
Ooops. I jizzed on her face and it ate through her skin.

@xd.Balls: I have all that and still a fairly good sky view. <3 Canada.

F'ing hippies. =P

@CE_Salesman: I'm starting to think that all drugs should be prescription and all the money that was used for the war on drugs funneled to treatment instead. People are going to get what they want and it will always be that way. You can say it's for the children, but I had easier access to drugs as a teen then I've

@corsair130: Exactly, and there isn't much moisture for anything to rot anyway.

My NES came with Gyromite (<3 R.O.B) and Duckhunt. That and the SNES were the last truly great consoles.

@Sora57: Ever been watching tv and there is a spider lowering itself down and you think to yourself 'damn that's gross', then you realize it's real? Happened to me a while ago and boy did I get up fast.

@howdini: I don't mind top 40 sometimes and that is usually where you find horridly compressed mixes. The majority of the stuff I listen to is mixed good. If it wasn't I'd go nuts because like I said, you can tell right away with a good set of monitors.

@Jay Phelps: That's kinda what I was eluding too. I wasn't blaming these monitors specifically, just showing my frustration at how some of these people using said monitors mix the music.

The mixes now lack any dynamic range. Sometimes it's more painful to have a good system then a crappy one.

@Doople: Good helmets can be worth $300-$600+ so it's not that unusual they would take them.

@marmin: I just love this world. An actor doing nothing important can make millions of dollars, but a pilot directly responsible for my safety only makes 100k or less (in some cases much less). heh.

@sid9221: You enacted all these laws that "protected" the US and the only reason another plane wasn't blown up was the guy was incompetent. You aren't safe. Never were. Never will be.

@MifuneT: I'm sure she is well versed in swallowing varies substances.

@omgitzjose: What about the incident in July 1988, with the Occidental Petroleum's Piper Alpha?

@OneBigPear: This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s!

@rxe7en: That one chic totally got pwned by the poll!

@zekestone: This sounds like the one that led to all the parts dealers being raided.

@omgitzjose: Huh? Never happened before? Better check your history.