
Average health will go up with an increase in the availability of preventative care, reducing the duration and frequency of visits! Doctors won’t be flooded with patients who have to keep shuffling from one random coverage area to the next! Doctors will get paid without having to have a half dozen clerks and a lawyer

See also: “Communism killed millions of people.”

“You can make racist jokes and hold no racist views”

BitterSweet has a really good run down of the overarching issues at play.

So, what you’re really saying is, you were cucked by Jamie Dimon and now you get aroused by the idea of a recession?

On top of what Manabi mentioned, there’s also the declining birth rate in the US and the trend for younger people to prefer city living.

...that we know about...

What do we call this?

If there weren’t still a dozen candidates and no track record of these moderators acting like fools, this might actually be something to think about.

“Winning in 2020 means having to explain how the economy works to everyone”

Over under on an email exchange between her assistant and his using the terms “cuck” and “BBC”?

Also, maybe consider cutting the brake lines of any republicans you happen to know.

I’ll take a crack at it.

I think the fumbling nature of Destiny is what makes it hard to describe. It can be completely awesome at one step and then fall flat on its face at the next.

Eh, maybe. The Idiot’s polling numbers are atrocious. He won the first time around because feckless dem voters stayed home. We already had a big rally in the last election and there’s a lot of energy aimed at booting the buffoon from office. The name “(Idiot)“ is going to leave a bad taste in people’s mouths for a

Most of these people have some kind of emotional/social need that wasn’t being met until they found these organizations.

No, but it is an apt metaphor. 

Pretty smart I think.

Gun got a little wonky outside in the heat I guess. Still an incredible build.

“they will not make “reasonable Republicans” pause and reflect, they’ll cause not even the barest hint of dissonance within a party that was already so throughly Trumpian that it nominated, y’know, Donald Trump.”