
Mild mannered Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive thermonuclear explosion...


Ya know, it seems conservatives have gotten everything they ever wanted.

FYI, the most powerful nukes ever made have a tiny fraction of the energy in your average hurricane. Hurricanes aren’t local events. The atmosphere is all one big layer of fluid sloshing about in gas form. We could load up every nuke on the planet into a boat to blast a hurricane and most of the heat and energy would

“I think that Trump says things like this just for shock value. He LIKES to screw with people’s heads”

Anyone throwing the idea around is an idiot.

Now playing

Hey, I get that “wildfire” is what a lot of people are calling it. But it’s not accurate.

I think about angry Kirby way more than anyone has a need to.

I knew these goofballs went hard for the fake news meme. I didn’t realize they got hard for it too. 

Strong words of condemnation for the US.

Well, alright. But shape up or ship out. I expect to see a completed calligraphy workbook by this time next week. 

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Be sure to wear some waders. 

One of the tried and true canards of conservatives is that they oppose taxes because they want to control where their money goes.

“Every billionaire represents the failure of capitalism”

The Kochs named their company for their family.

The death penalty doesn’t stop anyone from committing murder.

Do you believe there is a god that we can know nothing about?

(looks at copy of Hebrew Study Bible)

“Yes, idiots, HYDRA has no head. You’ve got it!”