
Gotta disagree with you here.

I like West, but man, he refuses to call a spade a spade sometimes.

“I’m currently reflecting on how quickly things can change, and how slow people are to catching up to the changes that are happening.”

“Because Christianity and White Supremacy are tied together”

When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Rev. could keep that in mind.

Do you think there might be an issue with calling it a perversion if you can have five to six interpretations (with thousands of sub groups each with their own interpretations) of what Jesus’ teachings are? Even if we set aside the white supremacists. That’s still three different interpretations (with a smaller

I’m not sure that first bit is really true.

Yet they still uphold a book which condones slavery regardless of which convention they come from.

So, agnostic means “without knowledge” right?

I have literally been hearing the old “Democratic presidents spend, spend, spend so that when a Republican president comes in we inevitably go into a recession which our saintly and beloved Republican president then digs us out of.” canard for my entire life.

I don’t see how, given the time frame we’re talking about here. Holding back the flood for another year? Especially with how “adventurous” the Idiot seems to be with policy? Seems like a tall order.

In these situations I like to refer to the rule of broken clocks.

Wait, isn’t 9-11 the economic equivalent of 9-11? 

When? Since right around the time in his candidacy that everyone realized he would be the nominee. Right here in the good, sensible, never vitriolic or hyperbolic comments of Splinter News.

This is the US we’re talking about here.

Yeah, they really need to recognize that culture wars aren’t fought in the halls of congress but in public forums. Also, “public forum” doesn’t include the Sunday shows that only nerds watch.

Yep. But then all the children will whine about how “I paid good money for my toys.” andHow dare you punish me when there are black people in Chicago!” and “The money I give to arms manufacturers is fine and doesn’t go towards them flooding the streets with guns.” All this right before they bend backwards and shove

As far as “achievable near term” goals it’s pretty good. But it’s still only a drop in the bucket when you consider the who, what, when, where, and whys of gun violence.

Hm, maybe if we stopped complaining about microtransactions and instead encouraged developers to go whole hog on them (not to imply they haven’t been doing that already...) we can simply bankrupt would be shooters through all the gambling, I mean, “surprise mechanics” in video games.

I don’t know about solve, but there is a lot we could do to greatly minimize gun violence within the bounds of the 2nd.