
There were a couple like that in my area too. One within walking distance of me upon checking voter records. I could just stroll down the road and go “Hey. What’s up with that?” and then immediately get shot. 

If that were a bet, anyone would be a fool to take it.

Great silhouettes.

“Heh, #benghazi, heh.”

I dunno about “hammer”. It’s more like two quick thrusts and then they need a break. 

“I think such legislation could achieve public support, but Democratic leadership definitely wouldn’t go for it and I’m uncertain if Republican leadership would.”

Your perspective is a little skewed which may be fueling that tone of defeatism you’re using.

I dunno, prosperity gospel seem to be working pretty well for them.

She reminds me of a cyst I had removed.

“Plus, fuck this mentality that we owe our employers our every waking moment. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my workplace would post my job by the end of the week.”

I’m now picturing a pack of indignant Florida men firing guns into the ocean.

“you’ll quickly realize that the majority of Americans are part of the problem”

Non-violent white-supremacists, ethical capitalism, and other oxymorons. Brought to you by the NYT. 

Reruns of the apprentice with all of the scenes he’s not in edited out?

Domestic violence is more tied to reforms that need to happen in education and society’s ideas of rigid gender hierarchies than it is tied to the police state.

Maybe it’s not so hopeless.

Why would they abandon it? There aren’t degrees to truth. The argument didn’t suddenly become more untrue than it already was. It was never a reasonable argument to begin with so there really shouldn’t be a problem for them.

I’ve been repeating the same tired rebuttals to the same tired gun nut “arguments” for over a decade now.

Probably the same idiots who think it always read “one nation, under god...”