
Oh, thanks for the arbitrary definition of what life ruined means.

But, now stay with me here champ. The thing is, it is arbitrary. The goal posts keep changing.

Not protection, freedom.

Well the members of this band are out of money for two shows. I'm sure many reputable even-handed news outlets like this one won't forget what was said. The former CEO of Mozilla got fired. Curt Schilling got fired. What about what happened at Mizzou?

No one is suggesting that people should be prohibited from saying anything. I do find it absurd that people's entire lives can be ruined for expressing something that is seemingly arbitrarily described as sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive. Can you see the difference there?

Which politicians made such statements? I remember Todd Aiken idiotically using that phrase.

Both the law AND the people have to uphold free speech for it to be protected. Just because she won't be arrested doesn't mean she's free to speak. She'll just have her life, career, and livelihood destroyed.

Free speech is dead.

Was the film as meandering and unfocused as this review?

Thanks for the succinct, entertaining, and readable review!

Way to report on a non-story to bolster your anti-religion stance A.V. Club!

No. I'm not. I have no opinion of Fantastic Four. I have an opinion about Rabin's writing.

It's not a counterargument, you twat. It's an example of what I feel is shitty writing.

- Tim Story’s The Fantastic Four took the perspective of, “Isn’t this all just too goofy? I mean, a rock-monster man, an invisible girl-woman, a super-bendy scientist man, and a dude who runs real fast and is also on fire? And this all happened when they went to space? Whoa. What were the guys who came up with that

Thanks for explaining why its funny. That really helps, you pretentious douche.

But Rabin invented the phrase "manic pixie dream girl." He's a genius! A critic! A god!

YES! Dude. So funny, so funny.

Sam, fuck off with this shit.