
Spooky. There’s an initial sound of the implosion and then a couple steady beats from echos from the implosion. These beats almost sound like heartbeats.

Actually, that’s a question I have. I’ve worked a week at the Pentagon (summer job). When I worked at the Pentagon, I parked at the Metro Station in Alexandria, with a station dropping me off at the Pentagon where I could start trying to get through security.

Honestly, I wish he would go back to the golf course.  He needs to be lying with a pencil and not a pen again.

I was reading about WHY American Aluminum is more expensive than Canadian Aluminum. It all comes down to energy costs. The ore to make Aluminum is cheap and the vast majority of the cost to make it is all the electricity needed to refine it. Canada has a lot of cheap electricity because of dams, windmills and nukes.

I think there are three possibilities:

No just on pain pills with a spell checker changing words all the time without my permission.

So bad that they had to rename the vehicle from Dodge to Ram, as instructions for others and the driver.

Not even a drunk can kill a Sunfire.  They just pass them around to their friends.

And most Toyota drivers can’t smoke most Mustangs in a quarter mile. Spongebob the moan pedal on a Toyota and not much happens, do it on a Tesla and that turn ahead is behind you as you learn the term “Trail Breaking” isn’t the same as “Trail Braking”

It’s worse. Telsa has Full Self-Driving and Autopilot. Just push a button and the car drives itself.

I don’t think Subaru drivers are distracted by the dogs in the cars.

Isn’t there at least supposed to be an optional bed in battery pack for one of the trucks out there? Again, I don’t expect it to be free, but still.

I don’t think the Sky Needle could have survived 7 months of sonic booms if they won the championship.

IDK. OKC has a NBA team named the THUNDER. I could see that being a reward for them winning a title.

Look, this is a city that dropped a bomb out of a helicopter on itself. A few light poles isn’t anything.

Can we get BoomERless flights?

What I can’t figure out is why they stopped.  If you gave me an opportunity to “buzz the tower” for a city for weeks on end, I would find excuses to keep that experiment going forever.

Bright White Cars are entering the chat.

My dirty as hell car says I park under a fruit tree that produces something that makes the birds more incontinent than a nursing home on Taco Tuesday.

Shoot, there’s about 5 right around the corner. Drive down any random street in town and the businesses are: