Me too. My wife drove a 323 when I met her and we traded it in for a Protege. But as the world’s cars have become larger and my wife went through a big accident, we turned into minivan drivers.
Me too. My wife drove a 323 when I met her and we traded it in for a Protege. But as the world’s cars have become larger and my wife went through a big accident, we turned into minivan drivers.
Doesn’t fit in, but needs to be talked about....
First gear; This reminds me of every year, in the NFL, a team will fire their head coach and a beloved assistant will take over. And this assistant will lead the team to much more success as he allows the team to play as they want to, not as the old coach was trying to get them to play. The result will be that the…
They do, which changes the angle of your knees. When we test drive or rent cars, my wife’s biggest challenge is finding a position to feel comfortable and seeing out. Mine, since I am out of normal tolerance on how to build a human (very short legged large guy), getting a position in a car that is comfortable at all…
All it takes is a speedbump
Is it just me, or is 1000 hp today not as shocking as 500 was 20 years ago, or 300 was when I was a kid. Seems like everyone and his brother make a 1000 hp vehicle today.
Likely just some rednecks with a death wish, a lawnmower engine, a supercharger and a wheelbarrow.
As close as your nose is to your anus, you don’t have to imagine how pants filling this adventure would be.
Bonus, this guy would fit comfortably too.
Anyone that knew me in high school would need clarification that she wasn’t a digital copy of an inflatable doll.
I think the issue I worry about is the armoring. Look at a street car tire after a while. The sidewall will have scuffs and sometimes chunks missing from stuff like curb strikes or pot holes or shovels in the road (happened to me once). The tire is still holding air and doing its job, because the manufacturer puts a…
There is also an administration burden that needs to be talked about.
Look at other countries, where they have a much better relationship between the cops and the civilians and a lot less incidents of cops shooting people randomly or the like. Now look at the training and testing requirements to be a police person in these countries.
I was a pre-teen with a older sister that was obsessed with disco when Abba hit the scene. I could likely do well in a Abba Name that tune, but they would have to have it on a 5 second delay and have a bucket for me to yell the answers in.
I can see them doing at least 3 jobs at once. No reason why they can’t scam old ladies into buying a pile of Amazon Gift cards while they are also driving a semi in Nebraska and running tech support for a large company.