I actually don’t mind the SSR looks. But then I’m the kid that wore epic bell bottoms to high school when Painters caps were the style.
I actually don’t mind the SSR looks. But then I’m the kid that wore epic bell bottoms to high school when Painters caps were the style.
5 years is forever in fads. All of the Disco Era fits into about half that time.
Well, the 30" was for home and needed a forklift to move. The 13" like the one in the picture was in the back of the van for the kids. I was living large.
Next time you see the boys, you get this series of lines from Rick Moranis.
Cars in general might be bad about protecting my data, by my car in specific isn’t. The only data it has from me is that my old Journey Escape Cassette is tangled.
My daughter has a Camry of this era. It looks exactly like it did when it was brand new. But still, when I get in it, I feel like this.
It’s deeper than even that. Likeability is a key thing to become president. Our presidents have been likeable.
I also see the influence to Tesla in the panel alignment.
Every dad ever.
“The cause for the sudden loss of traction from the car has not yet been identified.”
Yep, just like this scene from Strange Brew
Yeah, voter turn out will be key. But the doom and gloom on the beige states should be balanced by the “wait, that is in play” in the pink ones. I think I saw a poll that showed Florida was in play.
Oh, and then there are the tail lights. There was a fad in the early 00s for “disco ball” tail lights. And Toyota jumped on that trend just as it went away.
Proof that aged milk can be used to make Limburger Cheese.
I think the issue with the SSR isn’t the style per say, but the timing.
Absolutely agree.
See to me,I can find a reason to buy it.
Good news! In a couple years the price of EVs will be the same as ICE vehicles!
To me, it’s not a car in particular, but a material.