
I remember having my first orgasm at 13. My boyfriend was fingering me and I was so CLUELESS that I didn’t even know what an orgasm was. I was getting pretty turned on and then all of a sudden everything felt goddamn AMAZING for a few seconds and then it tickled and I made him stop. Took me 3 more years to figure out

....You realize you posted this comment on a website dedicated to reporting the news to the exact type of people who would open such a garage, right?

Meanwhile, Melania is clearly not wearing Paul Ryan-approved “appropriate attire”.

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

Jesus Christ, wypipo. First you blame Affirmative Action for your own shortcomings and sue; now you blame the DNC for not being able to bully your way over colored folks like you feel God intended and sue.

Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?

Trump wins the King George impression of the year award.

Liberal garbage written by establishment elites.

Not diminishing her at all but my ultimate fear is becoming a meme and then getting terrorized by the internet, everyday until I die or age out of being recognized


Yay, abstinence-only education is finally working! Oh, wait a minute....

I mean, have you considered NOT having asthma?

He should have that mole removed

As a Catholic from childhood, I believe the Catholic Church is a criminal organization.

just when you thought it was ok to trust grown men who believe in magic

Why can’t a pussy grabbing asshole harass a female reporter, without you people making a big deal out of it?

“Hitting On All Fronts” is not even a saying.

False persecution complexes are a helluva drug.

That’s dumb. You’re dumb.