
The battle about artistic integrity is so interesting to me. Any changes to a game inevitably bring detractors, but damn. Games are an artistic medium that have the ability to be changed and improved over time. I think it’d be great for the game of thrones tv show to go back and adjust some decisions to make them less

Ladies and gentlemen, this guy right here.

That would have been my call, and no, we would not have. I think the issue raised here is interesting and worthy of discussion, but I don’t read the gender ratio of the judges as intentional exclusion that would compel me to protest the awards.

Well, there’s a lot of address here on a broader national level, and on the specifics on this event. How do you guys not get this by now? Racism is the norm. Everywhere. All over the world. In fact, most manifestations of contemporary American/European racism are absurdly tame and largely theatrical, when compared to

Honestly, it’s cool that you’re not a SW fan—in fact, it helps.

SW games are too often sold on the label, rather than the content of the game, and that’s why we end up with The Force Unleashed 2.

So, y’know, thanks for taking the time to review this, to give an unvarnished opinion of the product—and to be upfront that

Don’t you mean, mashing whatever button/key you had bound to Spirit Blade (with Fade Shield of course) as you soloed a dragon while your entire party died?

Evan, I really like your write-ups of comics. You always have something interesting or inspired to say about them, and how we interact with them and vice-versa. I'm really looking forward to reading Spider-Gwen now! It's gonna be sad when we have our fight on a mountaintop because of those things that you said about

I thought we were done belittling our own kind.

Nailed it.


I'm convinced this was intentional. It's like a Dolan interpretation of Kratos. Kertos? "kertos pls" If I saw that on someone I'd laugh hysterically with the guy, not at him.

"Nailed it." What an appropriate thing to say after shooting a guy in the head.

Oh I get it, you act as you knew everything and after 40 minutes playtime, you win the game because deus ex machina.

have they added the plot yet? I do believe its still missing. I know it exist because there is that website that keeps poping up that is full of the the plot. And its a fairly good and overly detailed plot. but I don't see it in the game.