
Totally ignoring the people who will suffer? I’m just saying we can work to make some good come of this in addition to the obvious downsides. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

Maybe this is what America needs to change a broken system. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. The important thing is not to lose hope - not to give up. We can grieve, but we should still stay strong and together. Then maybe some actual, real change can be effected.

Don’t, we need you!

But what if the electoral college breaks their pledges? What if Trump is so disastrous in the next months that they change their votes? They’re not legally bound to vote for him, right? Sorry, I’m from Germany and have no real idea how things work in the US and some light googling gave me no answers. Maybe we should

I’d much rather stores just have properly stocked shelves and not run out of my most basic foodstuffs for weeks at a time than offer stellar customer service. I’m there to buy some cheese and maxi pads. Does it really need to be the social highlight of my day? Management should focus on the actual products and

Came here for this.

With people like that? Yeah, you did good. People forget that *everyone* can be/tends to be racist, it’s not just white>other. Lots of people who are minorities in the Western world have vicious hatred of other minorities... I’ve heard so many examples like your story and my Polish relatives are sooo fucking

I think the bravery has to do with your own mind, and only you can know whether you’re being brave. Every one of us grows up with an idea of how life should be lived, what being an adult means, etc. We tend to listen to these inner beliefs as if they were set in stone (even though I bet no two people have exactly the

Some people do it, though. The ones who say things like “Beauty has to hurt” or “no pain, no gain”. A lot of women, I think, cope with waxing, painful shoes, tight clothes, and so on, using that mentality. Life’s too short if you ask me.

When I was 17, every single pair of shoes I owned had heels, from winter boots to sandals. I went one whole year without flat shoes and didn’t mind. Then it became too much work. Now, at 24, I don’t understand my past self either. I feel way too old for heels. Part of it is that they hurt way sooner than they used to

I would stick my tongue out and touch some part of my sister’s face.

I posted this above but nobody might see either post, I just created a burner to comment and am not sure how things work here. This woman reminds me of my mom who has histrionic personality disorder. Basically, any situation that’s not about her is bad; she will do anything, even something wildly inappropriate, to get

My mom has been diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder and this woman really reminds me of her.