
Of course, this shit is going to stick. Hell, I’ve been screaming about this since people tried to sell a vote for Joe Biden as “pragmatic.”

Obama agreed with Bernie about Cuba. Should he shut the fuck up too?

First of all, you absolutely are blaming Black people for Biden. You’re referring to what “you” want as though I had any goddamn thing to do with it. I haven’t even voted yet, motherfucker, and I most certainly would not vote for a racist doddard just because he’s a Dem. If I wanted a racist doddering mess, I’d vote

The day I ever vote for someone Bloomberg endorses is the day hell freezes over.

You’re not going to blame Black people for the shitty Biden vote.

Trump said:

ugh. I don’t want to like your comment, but it’s true.

Yeah but this one spooked the stock market so it’s serious business. People are disposable, profit isn’t.

I assume this is a rhetorical question? I mean the asshole visited Puerto Rico after the Hurricane and said with a straight face only 15 people died. When you lack empathy it is easy to minimize or ignore the suffering of others. I want this fucker gone so Tish James and the SDNY can put him and his fucking family

Any time I read some article about how people should vote for Bloomberg because he’s the only one who can beat Trump and that’s all that matters, I instantly know it was written by a smug straight white man.

If that ain’t the cutest baby with the most happifying expression on Delivered by Midwives, I don’t know what is! Just gorgeous!

Just for those who want to “Biden is just as bad as Trump” right now:

Nice, so all the moderates can get behind Biden and then our best choice is 4 more years of status quo corporatism.  Worst case, 4 more years of Trump.

The description of that video sounds like it was something created by a 12 year old emo redneck who watches too much WWF and is constantly frustrated because his balls haven’t dropped yet

...and he doubles down.

You know, thank you.

“As a person, I know that I am not a racist.”

Every candidate has flaws, but it seems as though those flaws are much more likely to be completely disqualifying for a woman than for a man.

When part of your commemoration involves deification, did you really love and honor the person—or the god you’ve created in your head?

I think I know how this goes. Something like: