Per your link
Irk. Dick Cheney was Republican, ultra conservative, wealthy, entitled, corrupt and 100% evil. But he wasn’t an idiot.
I’m just sitting here reading this exchange berween you two and the further it went, the stronger I felt “he’s going to show his ass in..3...2...1..”
People are saying that.
“We were scolded by white liberals to not wish bad on this man and to all of you I say go fuck yourselves.”
They took the statue down, not 24 hours after it was erected.
I wondered this too. Also, does it violate HIPPA or some other law if the hospitals choose to send data (numbers, stats, etc— no private info) to press organizations (like the AP) or the NIH?
I want so very much for one of his asslickers/babysitters to take him aside, put a concerned hand his shoulder, and sincerely ask him if he feels “low energy”.
Ha. Reminds me if The Office episode when someone took a retaliatory dump on Michael Scott office rug:
Right. I don’t get why that child molester’s name is being invoked at all, here. Disgusting.
That was a great article, and outlined everything I think about the MAGA base, and the nature of evil and cruelty in general. There are the sociopaths that act alone, but much more common are those who gravitate towards others like themselves, who are also bereft of empathy. They egg each other on.
The CDC says only 31% of men and 65% of women wash their hands after using the restroom.
Yeah, the thing is, Amazon has “toned down” the extreme gouging but it’s still bananas.
I was a fan of Tatyana Fazlalizadeh’s street harassment art project. Your post inspired me to look up her other works. Beautiful illustrations, portraits, installations, street art, etc.
You wrote:
He’ll never enjoy steak again. Aw.
They would have taken a hit had they NOT pinched this turd off.