
That game was ridiculous, though. It’s not often that a sixty-point deficit fails to properly reflect how overmatched the losing team was. Mississippi State came in as a 5-seed at 28-7; hardly slouches, but they got positively blown. off. the. floor.

You mean “One thing is Clear...”

2015: .207/.293/.340, 78 OPS+, $12M
2016 (proj): .232/.319/.394, $13M

The NFL: Where it’s totally legal to shoot a guy full of horse tranquilizer to get him to play through pinched nerves and torn muscles,but don’t get caught trying to cope with your mental issues by smoking (basically) legal weed!

As a home owner, I endorse this statement.

Lol ok mr Rockefeller

A lot of teams didn’t really get Z-Bo either. Maybe Memphis is better at this than we give them credit for.

I look forward to her autobiography, “Failing Upward.”


That’s the pose my girlfriend and I make right before we are about to go on to the dance floor at a wedding and embarrass ourselves.

Shouldn’t Curt be repaying that money to Rhode Island instead of donating it to a bumbling idiot?

You bet. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly. Or Kinja and intelligence.

Pretty disgusting that Manning would use this opportunity to shill for Budweiser. Especially when he owes this win to Miller.

You think this is net or gross? I just brought on a “The U” intern to a full time salaried position. I want to let him know he has Clinton Portis money now.