
If it helps, I found the Shrine of Storms to have the fastest zones for grinding in both the early and late game.

Grinding is never the best way to victory in these games imo. But Demon’s Souls is ... antiquated so you might have to farm for healing items from time to time.


Should be attempted murder, but it IS absolutely assault in Texas.
That’s absolutely threatening someone with imminent bodily injury.

Yeah, I know. It just pissies me off. They’re all about “right to life” expcect when it’s an actual living breathing human being.

I’m thinking that’s a low number. 

I used to ride thousands of miles a year and now I rarely ride on the road at all.  Cellphones, talk radio, and just irrational hatred are too much to bear - I’m not risking my life because some jackass read on 4chan that all cyclists are communists.  And the ones who aren't actively trying to hit you, a substantial

Changing societal behaviors, with the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims is terrorism.

The only way to stop a bad person with a Jeep, is a good person with a Jeep.

The cops’ inaction reeks of “Good Ol’ boys” network here, maybe the scumbag had connections? hmm.. or maybe they too shared the same irrational hate of cyclists and thought he “deserved it”? I’m just asking questions here.

I mean odds are pretty good that most of that money comes from a small fraction of the player base (i.e. whales). I mean you’re not getting 1 million people spending $1 a day.

Have you concidered the fact that the same people complaining about something might not be the same ppl playing it? Gamers aren't a monolith 

Here’s the reality: we aren’t the general gaming public.

People who read up on gaming news are a vocal minority. Most people don’t give a shit about news, politics, or whatever the fuck Blizzard is doing. They see Diablo. They see shiny new game. They buy. That’s it.

Not trying to be a dick, but that’s the truth. 

So what about Battlefront 2?  We’re talking EA of all companies putting loot boxes in a game, and they eventually took those loot boxes out due to the backlash.

gamers do 2 things, complain about games, and play those same games. i mean, yeah, there are whales and that sort of thing, but generally whatever holds the attention ball with get both the love and the hate. i remember all the rage at diablo 3, and how torchlight 2 was out at around the same time and addressed some

Because, of course, Kotaku is the only site that writes articles about Diablo Immortal.

I think the problem seems to be that companies stepped away from dedicated servers. I’m not sure what it takes for companies to allow them in their games, but I imagine not much?

Is anyone playing the original Call of Duty multiplayer? No, but you still can, if you get some buddies together. And that’s a 19-year-old

I mean... you’ve got to build bypasses.

And then Disney buys Microsoft.  And then Amazon buys Disney.  And then the Vogons demolish the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.