This seems very appropriate right now. First the Muslims...
oh good.... hope he shakes loose a blood clot
This is strong writing, and Deadspin is lucky to have you.
Cosby spokesman: “They persecuted Jesus and look what happened...”
I said this on Twitter but will repeat it here:
I hear you. I see you. I am you, sis.
This motherfucker is a pus filled, Santorum covered genital wart on the ass of humanity. Trash is too good a descriptor for his rancid ass.
Oh, help me out, y’all. Now, is Donald, Jr. Uday or Qusay Trump? I always forget which one he’s supposed to be.
Oh yes. She stood up for herself even though people were mean about it.
My dad and I talk about this all the time. We had no idea the favor Ms. Hill was trying to do for us at the time. All we saw she was trying to hold a black man back. Only if we knew then what we know now. She is owed all of our gratitude and apology.
Lol. Then we allllll going out to popeyes!
With you on the first; pausing on the second. If Hill wants that gig, fine. If not, also fine. America didn’t deserve the Obamas; they don’t deserve Hill.
I NEVER like Joe Biden and his treatment of Anita Hill was the main reason.
Impeach Thomas.
Thanks for writing this. When news about Ford started trickling out, I IMMEDIATELY thought of Anita Hill. I'm glad that Hill wrote an op-ed. She's exactly who we need to hear from.