
Great article, Roth. Thorough and professional. Thanks.

Oh, no, I totally understand the ad hominem distraction. But you’re focusing on my issues with Assange’s character, and not the way he redacted (or, really, failed to redact) documents to protect individuals during his data dumps—or the fact that he picked and chose what he revealed to suit his own political

And unlikely to be proven without court proceedings, given that Wikileaks is not fond of self-examination or releasing documentation on its own activities—it’s just cool with publishing the files of those it takes political umbrage with, which makes it more of a FOX/MSNBC type setup than anything approaching serious

Hmmmm, it appears that your headline is wrong because I actually can support a free press while also supporting the arrest of Julian Assange. As your own website notes, he was working with Manning to actively crack passwords and subvert security to gain access to sensitive documents. This is blatantly illegal and

I went to college in DC (9/11 happened about two weeks into my freshman year). This abomination of “Look, throwing children in cages doesn’t mean that there aren’t good people on both sides of the aisle!” is absolutely being eagerly embraced by a certain well-to-do, raised to be professional segment of my generation.

Of all the criticisms of the article to make, “glib” is absolutely baffling to me. 

Always hilarious that holier-than-thou Mike Huckabee raised a sociopathic son that tortured and murdered a puppy, and a ghastly daughter who lies for a living. Just good, Christian values!

All she does is make the press’s life objectively worse/harder (which may be a thing Trump enjoys)

By Trump’s standard, she’s doing an exceptional job of protecting him through lies and misdirection.


America’s media has always loved “insiders” for their “access” or what the fuck ever. It’s why Chelsea Clinton was hired by NBC for...things(?). It’s why Megan McCain always has a job. These people don’t do anything and no one outside of the political theater likes them but the political media LOVES them.

Related: Fuck

This is the way we live now, even the apologists have apologists, and culpability is pushed upstream while consequences accrue downriver and never the twain shall meet.

I can’t wait for God Awful Movies to tear this turd a new one. In fact, Eli Bosnick has some tweets about it here;

Just saw this. What struck me as most controversial is that, after the end credits, it zooms in on Ashley Bratcher sleeping soundly in her bed. She yawns, stretches, then says, “And now that abortion is cured forever, I can sleep soundly on my new MyPillow Giza Dreams sheets—with new MyPillow Premium, of course!” and

Can you read? Because Vadim did actually “review the movie.” Oh wait, you weren’t actually interested. You just wanted to bloviate about your propaganda movie being persecuted. Poor you. 

Honestly its worth a chat. My mom recently confided in my wife and I that she no longer considers herself Catholic and has not since my sister passed away(even a bit before that). She got tired of the hypocrisy and the scandals and her faith gave her no comfort in the time she needed it the most.

The obvious solution to your dilemma is to go out and buy a Planned Parenthood shirt and wear it to dinner.

My anti-choice religious parents are psyched about this movie. The trailer “moved” them and they are seeing it today. I have the misfortune of having previously planned a dinner with them for tomorrow, so I’ll get to hear about the “atrocities of Planned Parenthood” and other flat out lies this shit is peddling for

Person A on film: Do you ever think we could tell this story without lying about basically everything?

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