While some of them matches my definition of terrorism, some do not. They are all acts of hatred, but there was no intent to force some political, religious, or social change, an element of the definition of terrorism cited.
While some of them matches my definition of terrorism, some do not. They are all acts of hatred, but there was no intent to force some political, religious, or social change, an element of the definition of terrorism cited.
I am against the banning of “assault weapons”. why? Because the definition of assault weapons (and everyone really should look up the legal definitions) mainly covers the cosmetic aspects of a rifle. In the old federal Assault Weapons Ban definition (state definitions can vary to some degree), the only functional…
Most of the mass shootings in the US were not terrorism, where the definition of terrorism is “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” - 28 CFR 0.85.…
The same was said of Trump.
“Of course, a few months later I got a new job that required a car.”
“It’s a good idea to include your location along with any nearby intersections and the name of the building, park or business that you’re at. Additionally, say what the situation is, if anyone is hurt, if there are any weapons, and so on.“
Whatever. I am simply going appreciate the well developed muscle tone, well proportions, and full extensions in her motions. ; )
An expressway divides a city. If the bulk of the traffic is not destined for the city, then the roadway should go around a city. Smaller roadways can act as arterials into the city. Once into a city, the roadways should lead to someplace where you can park the car and continue by foot or by mass transit. You really do …
I am not sure we are intended to rally for any one approach, but that we should understand the actions of the past, learn from its impacts, and plan with a greater holistic perspective (aka plan with a big picture mentality and reduce unwanted unintended consequences).
The difference between concept and execution. No matter how good the concept, you still have to execute the concept.
“It’s funny that some people are like, ‘You made a scam,’” he said. “I’m like, ‘Okay, great scam, where I work 80 to 100 hours a week for no money. Best scam ever.”
The trick I use to use with a point and shoot was to prop up the camera (to avoid using my less than perfectly still hands), increase the exposure time (may even be seconds), and use a timer. The act of pressing the button moves the camera. With the timer, nothing is moving the camera. Of course, these days, you can…
With my windows and moonroof open, the air hot air vents reasonably quickly, especially if there is even a hint of a breeze.
I open all the windows (and moonroof) to get rid of the heated air in the cabin. If it is really hot, I have a squirt bottle full of water. misting the cabin quickly drops the temp, especially the seats. I then crank the car and turn on the A/C at full blast. In may car, the recirculate is automatically activated when…
I took the extended protection. It should, in theory, cover most stuff that may occur down the road. I also claimed 2 hours of time for dealing with two suspicious debits from my bank account.
Interesting. Maybe a director should always place one obvious homage to an exploitation film so any actual mistakes in film making becomes less obvious or at least uncertain. lol
If they already had a rope across the waters, I am a bit surprised they did not secure themselves to the rope with more rope. I would think that is a simple precaution. Waist-high, near freezing waters is no joke. Actually, either one by itself is no joke.
Crossing in waist-high, near freezing high water. That is not trivial. I have been in snow melt waters (a slow bubbling creek). It is cold and if you get wet, it doesn’t take long to lose your coordination..
Unless I am mistaken, the original reports were a while ago, they were not on a municipal bus, but one of those private Hop-On/Hop-off sightseeing buses. They are usually red. I think the one in London is the called “The Big Bus” or something similar.