
I can't really identify with any of these, except for the bit about pinot noir in Sideways. But that's not really product placement. Though I do want Reese's Pieces now… Never seen E.T., though. I swear I've never seen a Heineken in any movie. It's probably my favourite shitty beer, though, alongside Stella.

SPOILERS! Thanks a lot, jerkbag.

Maybe they represent themselves as women because they know that they're better. Hahaaa. Just kidding, though.

RT, CS is best episode.

And she's dead.

Me tooooo! Though I just realised that Peridot's my birthstone, I still think Peridot's great. Both the character and the voice actor remind me of the Asurans from Guild Wars 2.

The authorities probably knew. No evidence suggests that they didn't, and one of the characters even mentioned a bad storm that would delay a rescue mission.

Yeah… I suppose he is cunning, like Odysseus! And he's a bit of a douche, like Indiana Jones! Just a lot more douchey.

That was a nearly beer-spewingly funny headline. "Martin continues to be the [worst,]" indeed.

I don't know how Big Bang Theory explained it, but this show explained it horrendously wrong.

Someone already predicted something of that sort in the comments for the last episode, actually.


It's okay… I ask my girlfriend that every time we talk.

Yeah, I thought this episode was perfectly fine.


I think you completely misunderstood the episode. The last couple of lines describes the thought behind the omission of Finn and Jake, where Ice King suggests that he and other guy should be friends through the dumb book. That dumb book is begging to be written in, not quite figured out, but Ice King is an extremely

Psh. I like it.

The part in Adventure Cheney where Bush tells everybody that there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq as a front for America to invade the country.