
Or MRAs, lol. Red Pillers. Etc..

Must suck to have to do 10% better than everyone else to pass a class (or to get an A, for that matter).

You know what? You're totally right. I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

Thanks, but it's not like it's your fault. :p

Jeez. I was talking to some friends about this the other day and they said that it counts as sexual assault, which I found kinda hard to grasp. Honestly, even with shit like earflicking, I think people should be able to respect others' personal space. I guess different cultures have different understandings of what's



Oh okay thanks.

57-59% is a D+, dude.

Garlic fingers.

Shit now I gotta listen to that song.

Hehehehehe balls.

Come to Canada!

Beep bop bope boop boop?


I logged in; still getting me a front page. Maybe it's because I unsubscribed to /r/stevenuniverse?

You guys are mean and not very interesting…

Or he could have watched it anywhere on the Internet immediately after it aired…

There actually still are some voice-over narrations in trailers. Usually for kids' films though.

TIL that South Park is a well-placed Dwarf Cannon.