
If you listen carefully Jamie says to the others, "meet us at the crossroads" and then takes off. When they get to the kirk, that other guy says, "we tried to get to the crossroads but…" i don't remember the rest. So they had a meeting place.

uh, she did soldier on.

Agree with you. Book reader also, but I find the adaptations good, especially the ptsd with Claire. Not in the books but its portrayal was great. I don't agree with the negativity about Jamie this time, his take down of Dougal was pretty epic.

Dougal realizes Jamie is his "in" with the Bonnie Prince and wants a seat at his table. He's kissing ass basically for that accessibility.

perfect description….sigh

Don't agree with the reviewer either about Jamie, his take down of Dougal and the command of his "troops" is new, and its all about Jamie filling his role as a leader of men. I thought Sam's Jamie was amazing in this episode, and the episode was fantastic! From the direction, the cinematography, Claire's ptsd story,

I think it was necessary as well to depict Jamie's out of control rage at Randall leading to the dual. And I don't think the child actor was actually "present" during that scene, shot so well.

He did not want to impregnate Claire and he had his mistress waiting down the hall. It was perfunctory to him. In other words they BOTH were not into it.

Actually the entire season two is a flashback, Claire is telling it from the future. And if we didn't see Fergus and Black Jack together we would not have have seen the full rage of Jamie that led to the dual. Also, this is from Claire's point of view, you never see Jamie at the Bastille or see him grieve like Claire,

Well, I guess we can disagree on the timing point.

It wasn't so much he let it slide as he reevaluated his position. And since I've already stated it was not the next day, he has time to cool off. He loves her

Noticed and commented to my husband, brody (sp?) with the carriage!!!

But Randall was still in the Bastille, who knows how long he was there? It could have been weeks.

I hardly think it was the next day. She is showing so much more now, I think a month or a least a few weeks have gone by. And agree with others, having been married a long time, this is the kind of spousal conflict that remains in the background but does not effect their affections for each other. THE POWER OF LOVE

Some time has passed since last week, it was believable to me that they would be back on good terms, since Jaimie has had time to think out the future of their child.

she told him when he was going to die, to the day