
Kampfer should be standard in all Gundam games, don’t care which war the game takes place in.

What Stardew Valley taught me about making relationships:

I’m all for religious freedom and whatnot, but why would you base your religion off of the bad guy in a story? Whether Christianity was made up or not (I’m not religious), all official texts relating to it say that Satan was evil and had no redeeming qualities. Following such a story as if it were the laws of life

The preview image for Inuyashiki looks like an old man pushing with all of his might on the toilet...............it any good?

Speaking of reviews and Steam, A Hat in Time came out today! This is a game to put on your shopping list people. Hopefully Kotaku gets around to reviewing it.

A Hat in Time came out on Steam today. Any chance for a review in the near future? It needs all of the attention it can get because it’s one of those hidden gems you hear about. It’s like Yooka-Laylee, only good.

I’m so conditioned for stress that I thought the title was saying to the industry “Cut it out with all of these relaxing, non-violent games!”

Check out Made in Abyss. It’s engrossing, impressively drawn and scored, and it lacks any culture shock. Just 13 episodes of pure eye/ear candy and absolutely stellar storytelling.

So, what are you trying to say? Politicians accept “donations” all of the time from any organization that can afford it? I have nothing against the NRA for this shooting because the fact that Americans are allowed to bare arms is not the problem, the problem is just how deadly those arms can be. Nobody needs automatic

They’re right until proven otherwise.

While this seems to be devolving into a battle of the sexes, I would like to say to everyone that there are wonderful and terrible people on both sides of the gender fence, and that fighting against an entire gender as if we don’t need their companionship because of a single bad experience is a little disheartening.

I don’t see how we’re going to get our government to help when we can’t get our government to do jack **** these days.

Atlus has an uphill battle ahead of themselves. There’s already legal precedent that emulating most aspects of hardware is perfectly legal (It was only an issue when company-owned Bios is concerned), and taking an owned copy of Persona 5 and playing it on a legal emulator is all fine and dandy too. Even trying to take

You obviously haven’t been keeping up with this scandal because in the fine print it was stated that certain states would be excluded from the donation pool. In other words, if you bought the “charity” DLC in those states, the profits were not being donated to the family of the deceased. In layman’s terms, WB was

No, they won’t. This was intentional and they only changed their stance because it turned into a big news story that would hurt sales. Your first mistake was thinking they’re human like us.

It’s such a sad state of affairs that when we hear politicians talk about healthcare, it’s always about insurance and affordability. It’s so deeply ingrained in all of us that we don’t even think about it, but a solution to the health care problem has already been done successfully in many other countries. In fact,

In most cases, unless your game is banning people left and right for no good reason, buggy and broken, or filled with microtransactions and other such deplorable cash grabs, you have nothing to fear. I have yet to see a game do everything right and get review bombed. Even if it releases and has a few problems,

Apparently it’s all politics. If you and your friends can play together regardless of console, there’s no pressure for everyone to own the same console. That’s all that’s stopping cross-play.

Stereotypes? Like having common sense or moral fiber? No, you’re right, gamers don’t have any of that. We just don’t like all that text blocking the view of the pretty wasteland in the upper-right corner of the screen.

How about releasing it for the PC? If you tend to game on Sony consoles, you probably already played Dragon’s Crown, so releasing it for PS4 is kind of a waste. I personally haven’t played it yet, but if it came to PC, I know it would receive a lot of attention. That’s how it is with pretty much every