
“I don’t know” is his go-to for depositions, which he has used for years to avoid lying on the record. Because, you know, perjury traps...

Pence is for sure out, he’s a useless, empty vessel and Trump is the real vessel for the evangelicals that sold their supposedly valuable “souls” in 2016. He’s going to go for Palin to have a pit bull with lipstick on the ticket and she’ll go entirely bonkers for him on the campaign trail. Or whatever it is she does. 

The triple “I don’t know”, eh? Damn, his brain knew they had him on it and he went into full deposition answer avoidance mode.

Ugh. That fall is common in hockey, when the player catches an edge, pitches backwards and hits butt-first, then the head whips back. Just a nasty fall.

SPOILERS. Thanks, now we know Rafa wins the dang tournament, sheesh

London Calling (Trump A Moron) should be the next title of The Clash’s greatest hits compilation re-re-release.

Corban Joseph of the A’s skied a pop-up into foul territory to the left of home plate. Royals third baseman Cheslor Cuthbert...”

1984, senior year in college. We’re playing softball against another townhouse in the quad and our team is down a couple of runs going into the home half of the final inning. I’m about 4th or 5th in the order when we rally. And with two outs, down by one, I’m in the on deck circle. And the least possible person, the

I had the same impulse, horrid people can bring that out in you. Nice save, you're a better person for it and would never get the same from their ilk. 

The photog had to pull back so far on this angle that he was swallowed whole by his lense and fell into another dimension. Lucky bastard. 

That's a damn fine Republican coat she's wearing. 

I would pick a different P word: prescient

Because nothing says 'Murica...like the image of an apex predator from Africa?

So... walls work?

Well back then if you took the Drugs too many times your brain was considered to be “fried”... Oh never mind

So littering all the hell over space for the past 50+ years isn’t a crime?


1978 Jerry Remy asks 1978 Lou Pinella that same question. Every. God. Damn. Day. 

Agreed, had to get in here to acknowledge that.

Amen sister/brother/not actual family member.