
This is very good news. In case you didn't want to have to rename your site. 

If that's what passes for backbone in DC these days, color me unimpressed. See you, little Bob. You did nothing when it mattered. 

I haven’t seen him in a while, appears to have lost weight

Hey where’s the cashed check for $25k that he gave to Pam Bondi, the AG of Flori-duh, to not join in the class action against Trump University? Must have missed which lot that was in...

So, exactly how big is this rug that they keep sweeping stuff under?

Once in college we snuck the mini trampoline out of the storage room so we could dunk.  I know EXACTLY what this feels like.

Hoo boy, they are really taking a Flyer on this one.

This is what happens when they all use the same playbook from red state to red state. The same mistakes just keep popping up. And by mistakes, I mean crimes.

I think we know that we he was real given how documented it is that Jesus was considered a terrorist by the Romans and the Jews of that time. And if a similar JC straight outta Nazareth showed up today and tried to speak truth to power one more time, I think it ends up just a poorly for him as Round One.  Unless he is

Listen, I was very big on Wild Bill when he was here in Columbus. The hope was that Vegas would take a solid pro like Matt Calvert, but didn’t happen. But I can guarantee that you are the first person to ever link William Karlsson and “scoring potential” together in the same sentence. He was the most astounding

You must only drive north, it would seem. There has been an NHL franchise less than 3 hours drive due east of you for 20 years now. Or you take geography cues from the NHL.

He forgets to sweep the leg.  How unfortunate.  

(Hockey) God(s) bless Hitch. He really is this good as a coach. I saw it firsthand here in Columbus ten years ago.  And he’s got the player that nobody else has.  Look right the hell out. 

I think it had more to do with his wife not being in the room to manage his impulse control.  He looked like if he even flinched he would lose it and mount Pelosi. 

So much WALL

Tim Peel:  Finding new and innovative ways to screw up hockey games since 1999.

If this plan keeps the WS championship returning to Boston every 4.5 years I am fully on board. 


The one - and only- concession that I’m willing to make for these grainy heroes of yesteryear is the knock down pitch. It doesn’t exist in the game any longer, for obvious reasons, but it did even as recently as 10 or so years ago. And that makes for one helluva difference when you dig into that batters box.

I just thew up so many old appetizers in my mouth.