James Eastman

See, I’m unconvinced trading card/etc. games shouldn’t be in the same boat. I know people who, as kids, got addicted and spent thousands on them.

Your logic works if you ignore the part of the post where it says it is the best selling console in the region by a HUGE margin (and all regions of the world for that matter) and where they have drastically increased production, and the fact that it is on pace to sell more consoles in its first year than every single

Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.

So, by this same logic, Nintendo could make a brand-new Mario game that looked exactly like Mario 64, and sell it as a full-on AAA game, and that would be fine if the gameplay was still good? At what point does the “graphics don’t matter” argument end? Shenmue was a graphically impressive game when it released, and

Based on that logic it would be illegal to make 3rd-party accessories for hardware, because it relies on another product—especially if it’s an accessory for an electronic or computer product. Even something as simple as a smartphone case requires using dimensional data from the host device, and a smartphone case with

No, you’re confusing copyright with trademark. Copyright remains even if you don’t defend against all infringements. It’s only trademarks you have to defend or risk losing them to becoming generic terms. This applies to names, logos, that sort of thing.

Gotta admit, I didn’t anticipate ad hominem attacks as your way of proving the strength of your argument... wait, yes, yes I did.

You’re wrong. The moment you report a death, it’s about the audience. It can’t be about the deceased, as they don’t have a stake, and it can’t be about the family and friends, as they are already a network capable of transmitting that information without public dissemination. I can certainly understand desiring to say

You do know that many like to know not just because of sheer morbidity but because they want to know if what killed him could be avoidable and to perhaps offer some help to familiy/friends/others?

The new edits look terrible compared to the original copies I have. Colour’s off, some things get massively over exposed, the animation’s choppier in the move from 24FPS to 60FPS, and reanimating some of the effects was unnecessary and looks out of place next to the cheap single frame reaction shots.

Players get an opportunity to look over the puzzle and set out a plan

Yowza does this feel like the kind of story that would be cheapened by a prequel. Does anyone need to live the specifics of Chloe’s life between when she knew Max? I feel like adding a story that is interesting enough to warrant it’s own game but somehow not interesting enough to meaningfully factor into Max and

Too bad this joke had Zero replies.

For those who think it should be defunded, it’s simple. Watch children’s programming. Nobody gives a shit about educating young kids like pbs. There just isn’t any money in it. I’d rather have one less submarine, and keep pbs.

If people want to get their tax money back (fat chance anyway), they could stop subsidizing big oil and corporate agriculture. That is where the beef is. PBS is peanuts by comparison.

That’s the only good one out of all these in my opinion.

Now playing

I wish there were more animated ones like the Simpsons one.

You’ll never see it coming.

Just gonna leave this here:

I gave them crap about this on twitter and someone responded to the tweet with story spoilers.