
So I found out to my chagrin this past summer that it doesn’t happen that way. I volunteered as a Sunday School teacher at my church. I found out through the rumor mill (not from my church leaders) that another former Sunday school Teacher had been arrested for sexually abusing his daughters for a very very long time.

Or not of old age at all.

So besides getting a percentage of earnings from anything she records, this Dr. Luke guy is pretty fucked now, eh? I can’t imagine anyone is lining up to work with him.

Let me explain in more detailed terms:

It is funny how they all look like models from a Sears catalog. One would expect that even with an all white cast (if the dark skinned person is really a brunette with a tan) there would be more diverse body types. Sure the blonde dude is blurry, however he looks as if he has the same body type as everyone else, but

If you love playing as white dudes...we’ve got ya covered

Kids, leave your parents hanging on the telephone.

First you ask me to acknowledge that piece of shit as Star Wars, but asking me to believe there are black people in Utah is a bridge too far

Can’t wait for the zero sum when all games use public domain songs to appease streamers.

I’d be annoyed if Finn/Poe would happen. They are just friends. But then again, I don’t really care if Finn and Rey got together either.

What facts? Cosby is presumed innocent until proven guilty in court of law. Cosby has not been convicted of any crime. So whatever facts you are talking about still have yo be proven and accepted as facts.

Um.... I don’t think that is how that word is spelled.

If you can get paid for writing articles in response to stupid Reddit posts, your job security is going to be fantastic.

Sea world says they didn’t mean tikillum Tilikum.

It’s interesting how there are all these mentions of Monster High and Ever After High for comparison without any admission that this line is just a lazy knockoff of the two. It’s also a little troubling that, much like the dichotomy between princesses and knights, the apparent way to market heroes to girls is to take

Did I say they weren’t? I’m sure I didn’t say they weren’t.

Is it just me or do these just look like Bratz ™ dolls dressed up as superheroines?

Lol I’m a joke lol thanks for the name calling lol go fuck yourself lol

I don’t like macgregor. I don’t care for the heel persona, and I think he’s an asshole

Right? She should have spent her afternoon writing an essay, on Twitter, carefully defending and countering every hackneyed, contrived-as-fuck-claim of racism contrived by people on the internet with nothing better to do.