
Yeah considering the consistently excellent reviews on this site, I was hoping Manhattan would at least be recognized on AV Club, since it's overlooked by all the other critics.

Yeah, why does being the dark one mean you can't use contractions?

Ah, yes, I've never had the… pleasure… of working at that particular pit of sadness. I'm guessing very little that happens is the wacky fun we'll see on Superstore.

I stopped watching after the second or third episode. Is Eddie from The Flash still on? Is he Elias?

Do those kinds of staff meetings really happen at department stores? I worked at a large grocery store for three horrific weeks and my experience was that every department was so completely in its own world that there wasn't that kind of organization.

That's funny. Same here. I can't figure out what caused my certainty, though. Guess I just miss home enough that when I see something that looks like it, I know it.

I got what you were going for, bud.

The trailer for Inside Out does nothing for me. But I also think The Incredibles is one of the most boring animated films I've seen and I like A Bug's Life more than Toy Story, while Ratatouille remains my favorite Pixar film. Apparently not popular opinions, so maybe I just don't watch Pixar right.

Yes, Drive. I remember it got quickly canceled and everyone railed against Fox for not giving it a chance, but the truth was no one watched it because it was a show about a secret illegal cross-country race (starring people viewers knew mainly from other shows they didn't watch). Fox took a risk just by putting that

Yeah, I get Romeo Cleveland. Which is actually quite good, except I'm a lady. I think you and I could make it work, though, as an act.