
Yeah, i don’t agree with this. Be liberal all you want just try not to be bigoted fucks like your conservatives counterparts. Just because white liberal racism is different than white conservative racism doesn’t make it any better or any less damaging. The only difference is one side claims to know better.

Ugh. STFU movie man. Just STFU.

Alas, the tragedy of the successful artist, to become the target of critique, critique that does not just examine the surface questions of whether a work is sufficiently “awesome,” “gnarly,” or “badass,” but critique that strikes truly at the heart of a work, critique that deconstructs, that examines an artist’s

Dickish question? why on earth?

because if we acknowledge that society is sexist and it hurts everyone, then all those feminazis would be right!!!

Yup. After Elliot Rodger, I lost any hope of male entitlement and sexism being seen as a key factor in such shooting sprees. He literally wrote and posted videos about how much he hated women and it’s women’s fault he had to go and kill people, yet all you heard about his motive was “we have no idea what would drive a

I’m glad the racist fuck used the word “settled”. With the number of people who reflexively roll their eyes when someone suggests gentrification is a bad thing, it’s a breath of fucking fresh air when a white person temporarily drops the facade and actually says what they mean to say minus the dog whistles. I settled

People say this sort of thing and it completely perplexed me. What bothers you about it? You wish you were a teenager?

This is rape.

Those men are the ones who wanted carte blanche the option to fuck around but didn’t really want the same for their wives. They are also the ones who suggested open marriages to their reluctant wives and it backfired spectacularily.

I’m poly, and I definitely take issue with defining the relationships I have outside my marriage as “cheating.” My boyfriend and my husband are friends (and I’m friends with my boyfriend’s wife). We hang out together, have playdates with our children, and are completely open and honest about what we’re doing. Not sure

Ah, I think you mean Shakespeare may have been several stoners, and even perhaps a lady stoner.

Um, I’ve read a lot of articles like this and it seems like they’re all about the exploits of rich guys. Maybe do one where they talk to janitors, construction workers, dish-washers, etc or are those men too “icky” and thereby ineligible?

tl;dr Douche Bros Brag To Their Friends About All The Imaginary Pussy They’re Getting

I thought Pussy Affluenza was James Bond’s nurse?

I’ve always had issues with women (I don’t blame women for that, aren’t I a god damn saint,) but the whole emotional manipulation aspect of “hooking up” lets me put myself in an ivory tower of innocence. I can bust a god damn nut WITHOUT another person involved. I don’t have to worry about emotionally manipulating

I like to talk about human sexuality as an idea, and so sometimes that means sharing experiences, but I do think that the more interesting things about me are what I think about and do — work, what you read, watch, play, etc. much more interesting. And i find that to be more interesting about others.

No. If you’re a lady who legitimately does just want hookups, it is amazing how quickly half those dudes turn emotional on you, get clingy, want to be jealous of the other guys you’re fucking and can’t handle it. It’s the mere fact that you are the one saying committment isn’t allowed that suddenly makes them do

What is the obsession with sex stories though? They are probably the most boring stories people can tell. Like, if this is what you think excitement is, maybe you should get out more. Fight in a war, jump out of a plane, volunteer at an animal shelter and shut the fuck up about who you’re fucking.

Personally I’m always amazed to be reminded that a self-hating, whitewashing shitty desi was able to find another like minded indian to marry him! I guess there truly is someone for everyone. And by the way, we Indians drop both of them in the Racial Draft. gtfo, Piyush.