
No, but people often forget things that they did/happened to them as a child when they are exposed to the "moral standards" of the world.

Not just the body exploration, but also some of the psychologically troubling things too. We all do them. It's like, be honest with yourself.

I haven't read the book, and I don't know a whole lot about Dunham. Some of the things she describes are troubling (all of the "other things" as many commenters have pointed out), but I think most people are being dishonest and/or incredibly naive and in denial as far as their outrage goes. Humans do manipulative and

I recently got a short haircut, and my hair occasionally pokes the sides of my face and inside my ears in bed. I always think there must be a critter living in here. The fact that I am so blasé about this is probably disconcerting..

Why does Eve look like Marquis de Sade?

If I can add, I don't think people are being intolerant. I think they were put off by the interviewee's focus on only what he perceives as the positive aspects of pregnancy, while glossing over the significant historical, political, and physical/emotional consequences. Even though it's fantasy, I think it would

In the interview, the dude is clearly glossing over all of the difficulties of pregnancy (physical, emotional, political, financial, etc.) and kind of sneering at young women who become pregnant. I get that it's fantasy, but a lot of his assertions are pretty baseless. If he at least acknowledged that pregnancy wasn't

I got shivers.

How do you think lawyers are born? (ba dum tsss...)

I agree. It's irritating how gay men are often placed into dichotomous roles in terms of their sexuality. It's perpetuating a dangerous, false, and limiting stereotype.

I think it's great that these men are expressing themselves despite the judgments they may face. While I understand that this is fantasy, I wish they had a more substantive approach to thinking about femininity and pregnancy, and the spectrum of the historical, political, and medical implications that are attached to

It is definitely very disappointing to see Jezebel writing these kinds of articles (and it has gotten more frequent lately). While I think it's great that the internet is getting better at calling celebrities out for shit they deserve scrutiny over, randomly choosing someone famous and bullying them is not okay.

Hi Mr. Stine. Thank you so much for being here! I am so excited about the possibility of having an exchange with you.

It's because they've infested so many sources.. I understand that sites need the ad revenue but it is sad that certain blogs dedicate posts to them, especially when there are much more important and intelligent topics to cover. Yet here I am, even if only to express my disappointment. Clicks are clicks. And round and

hell yeah girl! I am desi, so it is kind of a given lol. I saw her recently on this comedy/talk show my mom watches and she is as beautiful and awesome as ever.

It's Rekha!!

Last time I'm saying this: it's not about silencing anybody. I am not tracking and identifying randoms on the internet who think "enhanced interrogation" is okay and filing charges against them. Being a professor is not a right, and I don't have to welcome the university's decisions with open arms. Who is silencing

I understand your point, and I think it's important to discern a lot of details about the context first. For example, in an African American literature class, we were discussing the contemporary use of the n-word. I am neither White nor Black. I didn't feel comfortable weighing in at that time, but I don't think it

Okay, look, nobody is trying to silence Yoo. Nobody is taking away his pens and paper and internet access. If you think that dissent should occur, then you should be pleased with people questioning and protesting his employment instead of blindly accepting that the authority figures in this case are doing the

I have a close male friend who does this. He usually doesn't approach women or talk to them unplatonically (not a real word), but how he stares is troubling. I've tried to express how it is problematic, but he just doesn't get it. He pulls all these faux social theories out of his ass about how he's a good person and