YayaPapaya Optimus Maximus

not in a courtroom it doesn’t.

Does she have the one cure for crime? No way - she has MANYcures.

I agree. It’s a shame so many male directors are enamored with casting leading actresses who are in theirs 20s - they haven’t had enough time to perfect their acting skills. By the time most actresses have developed their craft, directors have moved on to the next ingenue.

So if she says nothing, she’s insensitive. If she says something, she’s trying to weasel out... of something she didn’t even say.

Yes. But broken clocks.

Not going to argue this particular man’s guilt or innocence, but I feel that the focus of restorative justice cannot solely be on forgiveness and reintegration. We need to make victims/survivors the priority, and understand the impact of violent crimes as well as the reasons people may commit them. If safety and peace

mkay, but you might be confused that all people think about that issue in all the same ways you do. I care about mass incarceration with respect to people charged with non-violent crimes. Rape is a violent crime for which rapists very rarely are charged and convicted, and if they are, the sentences are so fucking

I don’t understand how people who claim to want to be part of a movement for criminal justice reform can insist that even someone who was acquitted has to carry around the burden of guilt for the rest of his life so that the accusation defines him forever. Restorative justice - the idea that we want to rehabilitate

Personally, I found his tribute to Flight 370 incredibly touching.

I’m 31 now, and I remember having a conversation with a college friend when we were both 25. She was like, “do you remember being a kid and thinking that 25 was SO OLD, and that you would DEFINITELY have all your shit together by then? Like, 100% solid career track, white picket fence house, dog, husband, etc.”

The Rock is The Rock. I’m team The Rock.

Trumpa Lumpa

I think my most annoying phase was right after I read Mill’s Utilitarianism for the first time.

No, I think he just says whatever occurs to him, and since he’s a racist pile of garbage it appeals to his supporters. But here’s where I think a lot of those people are coming from: (1) things are bad for me; (2) government policies made it that way; (3) we need an outsider; (4) Trump is *definitely* an outsider, as

Okay but it also has a clause preventing you from bringing up their supposed sanctimony when none of them has even said anything to you.

They just need someone to lend a helping hand.

I was always interested in the Olympics because it might present the opportunity to watch sports that are rarely televised (stuff like fencing and archery), but they only ever show about five seconds of the less popular sports before cutting to interminable amounts of coverage of like seven sports. Sort of misses the

@BeanBone: Miatas are very forgiving, and they're great to learn on because they're so light you can feel every single thing that's happening. If you want help/guidelines/moral support, print out what Cheeseslap wrote above and bring it with you. If you feel like going above and beyond, you can do what I do and

@Cheeseslap is bombing a dumphole: You give me hope. I trained my girlfriend to drive stick at age 24 on a Honda Civic, but then we moved to the city and she bailed out on driving. That and both cars we've had have had slightly odd clutches or sticky throttles, which doesn't make it easier. In a year or so we'll