Yay Taco

I've been using TweetDeck for a while now. I handle several different corporate twitter accounts, and TweetDeck was the best solution for me, to be able to constantly timelines, searches, mentions, etc. Being able to schedule tweets means I can work while I sleep.

I don't understand what, if anything, is being quoted, and what is your additional commentary (not bashing the new layout, just INTEL acknowledging it) but Whitson, I'm sorry your husband enraged you SPRINT during your renovation WINDOWS PHONE. Interesting article though, would explain why I'm always aggravated when

Great post! Love the detail you got into, quite an impressive set up. Love Flux and Fluid, checking out Postbox right now.

I've been having a lot of trouble with my mighty mouse these past few days with seemingly random disconnects, but maybe this is the answer I'm looking for. Thanks Kevin!

A much simpler article, "Turn your dining room table into a beer pong table"

@GranMastaB614: I think it's very interesting and worthy of it's own article, especially since it was just recently discovered.

Does anyone else notice how much trouble he has dismounting at the end of the video?

@Yay Taco: Nevermind, just found this:

"Now, instead of using the TweetDeck AIR app, you can just create an application shortcut to the Chrome webapp, and have it in its own separate window, just like a real app."

@EpsteinBarr: Sometimes settings get all f**ked up. Thanks for pointing this out, I understood/enjoyed it.

@Thangka: I agree, though I think if I could scan the QR code directly from the camera app, it might be faster... though that might also assume I have some hard shortcut for camera.

Growing up as the only boy in a house full of women, I used to use my skateboards as dollies to move around furniture, heave equipment, etc. Cheaper, probably not, but readily available at the time.

I know, I know, "cutting the cord" isn't for everyone, but seriously - I've never been happier.

I got an invite about 2 weeks ago, and I've been loving it on my Incredible. I think Kevin really hit the nail on the head:

@Gregsaw: From my experience, Swype is much more accurate, and just an all around smoother experience. I tried slideit for a couple days, and found it to be laggy at times, and spent too much time trying to correct spellings or words. If you can get a copy of swype, try it out first.

@Marand: Couldn't agree more, usually I'm really organized with my file structures, but when I've got a big project, or start binging on work, my desktop suddenly fills up with what seems like "to do"s all across my desktop... which leads to nothing actually getting taken care of.