
the funniest part is that this was written by a guy name Hamilton Nolan. Very rare, very white.

If I wanted to know what white men thought, I would be reading Deadspin.

Maybe people don’t want your shitty organizing and see unions for the evil they truly are?

This logic makes no sense. It’s cheaper to employ people in the south, which is why northern textile and manufacturing jobs went south before they eventually left the country altogether.

Everybody in the UK is required to play soccer and is stuck in regimented divisions; failure to comply results in a mandated visit to Room 101*. Deadspin will cover any developments that happen in the 6th to 498th divisions.

10th division?

I imagine it has more to do with her looking like a 14 year old girl more than anything.

Guy 39 dies leaves behind 3 young kids and a wife what great time for shitty jokes. God I fucking hate this site some days.

Not even trying to make a joke here -- in all seriousness, why the fuck do you need an autopsy to tell that someone shot themselves in the head?

If a no one cares falls in the forest, does anyone care?

“because I live for drama”  Are you a 14 year old girl?

Great. Democrats ALSO believe that you are only required to be civil to the presidents you like and FUCK YOU to the rest.

Um, the Hatch Act covers campaigning and fundraising, not beliefs....?

If I refused to work for people I hate, I’d be unemployable.

They are contracted employees. I assume adult women know to read contracts before signing and agreeing to the terms. I won’t insult them by clutching my pearls that they have to adhere to their contracts.