yawning pelican

You mean like the massively dated Master Chief talk about dated character design in an active franchise......Kratos at least has a purpose, he IS God of War from a story perspective....

I installed Ubuntu a while ago on one of my computers. The first time something crashed I said “screw this... if it’s not going to work 100% perfect 100% of the time, why not just stick with Windows?” And I’ve never considered going back. I’m sure it’s cool for people who love it though.

It was said in fucking jest. Watch the video for context. Jesus.

You missed the fact that he actually states they only record during day time, and the notice warns about noise during night hours, which he said he does not record.

If you watch the video, it’s actually a joke...

Grow up

I think it is more like well done practical effects look better than mediocre to decent CGI and compare favorably to well done CGI. Cause let’s not kid ourselves, there have been some pretty terrible looking practical effects over the years

Force Awakens had a ton of CGI in it. They made a big deal about using practical effects and real film, but there’s plenty of digital stuff. (And honestly a lot of the “practical” aliens in the movie don’t look so hot.)

Stay Puft was in the trailer I saw before X-Men: Apocalypse last week. I didn’t realize this was such a secret.

If you didn’t think this press conference was amazing then you should probably just give up on games.

Dude, seriously shut up. If you don’t understand the implications of a pedigree like kojima given an unlimited budget and full control by a massive studio backer then you don’t know jack about gaming. Every single game he’s made in the last 15 years started with a teaser trailer just like that and every game was

Salty ms fanboy alert!

Not to mention the people out there that could afford a PC, but frankly even though they could figure it out...just are sick and tired of dealing with setup, tweaking things, and all of the other “maintenance” needed to play a game on PC.

Cool story.

Good christ... put the microphone down! People are not JUSTIFYING what happened. They are trying to explain it to themselves to make some god damned sense out of something that is such nonsense. Take your meds and calm the fck down. It’s personal, we get it. But don’t push your personal hurt off on us, who are just

As a Mustang owner... They’ll have to stop me first!

Matt Shea has over a million subscribers. JackSepticEye has over ten million. Neither of them need help.

Not knowing who Hayley Atwell is (and thus not knowing about Agent Carter) on a supposedly feminist website made me ignore her opinion on all the shows. ;)

What on earth do you mean by a hard no on Son of Zorn?! I actually laughed out loud like three times from that trailer. Anyone who grew up in the 80s with shows like He-man, She-ra, Thundarr, etc. are probably going to wallow in nostalgia and laugh their butt off in that show. I’m all in for that ridiculous piece of

Then maybe enjoy one of ~32,005,521,702 media works that have already explored that particular relationship in great depth.