yawning pelican

I will defend Antz till the day I fucking die. That movie was absolutely founDATIONAL for me.

It is censorship.

But it’s not government censorship. It’s a company setting their rules that people have to follow if they want to use that company’s property. That’s Google’s prerogative. I’m assuming there’s going to be a pretty big uptick at Vimeo in the next few weeks as many of these very popular vloggers move

This. I never understood why people think it’s not a real job, like they don’t see any effort doing these videos.

Fuck that, the rights to Deadpool need to go to Ryan Reynolds.

10 times RDA of salt is 15 grams (10 * 1500 mg).
Salt LD50 - 3,000mg/kg in rats.
10 times human RDA of salt will kill 5kgs worth of median rat. (15000mg/3000mg kg= 5kg)

The salt in that log, if it contains the amount of sodium that you state, would not kill this man. (5kg < subject weight).

Also: I think human LD50 for

He was Lex Luthor in Superman Returns. How was he in that?

I was more interested in Harvy Dent. He had a way better character arc and motivation.

Was this your home in 2012?

Unpopular opinion:

I thought Rises was better than Dark Knight, and Tom Hardy’s Bane was a better character/ acting than Heath Ledger’s Joker.

I think if he hadn’t died he would not receive the same fanatic exuberance about the role.

Then you can split the cost with the people upstairs.

Now playing

Did you perhaps miss his ‘response’ to all the criticism he has been receiving over these videos?

I guess im too easy-going. Im enjoying the game as it is, as are a lot of people.

That class 1 pic is misleading, since our eyes can’t pick up colors like that (our light sensitive rods being monochrome; also why you can see dim objects better from the corner of your eyes, since the less sensitive cones pack the center of your vision.) Even with a camera, you need to push and pull the levels in

If you could go to every single map seed without a single load time, you might be right.

I wasn’t interested at all in this game... then I got it on a whim and played it and holy frak, I’m really enjoying it!

Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.

So, either a single application on a device with extremly precise control and accuracy, or about 15-20 applications on a device with a tiny screen and sloppy control and accuracy. Cool

Which one of these allows me to use layers?

I am reading these with my daughter, and I largely agree with your assessments. My recollection from reading them as a kid was that starting with The Silver Chair they all kind of sucked. But we just finished A Horse and His Boy, and I think she liked that one the best of all of them (though maybe that was just my