yawning pelican

It is censorship.

But it’s not government censorship. It’s a company setting their rules that people have to follow if they want to use that company’s property. That’s Google’s prerogative. I’m assuming there’s going to be a pretty big uptick at Vimeo in the next few weeks as many of these very popular vloggers move

This. I never understood why people think it’s not a real job, like they don’t see any effort doing these videos.

I guess im too easy-going. Im enjoying the game as it is, as are a lot of people.

If you could go to every single map seed without a single load time, you might be right.

Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.

Have fun missing out! We’re going to name all of the planets and creatures before you have a chance. Mwahahaha

I forget the “e” mate. You got me their.

Lots of people having a go at the guy recording the video - and maybe for good reason - but man it is...so sad that people feel the need to bullrush a location like that just for a bloody Pokemon. I’ve got the game, I enjoy the game but, you know, it’s a game.

Until 8 pm eastern, get it for $95.

Until 8 pm eastern, get it for $95.

Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.

Have fun spending that $64! You won big! Really stuck it to ol’ Sony!

Sure they would. As noted in the post, they won’t have actually pay out much at all. It’s cheaper for them to just settle and pay than it is to keep paying lawyers.

You mean like the massively dated Master Chief talk about dated character design in an active franchise......Kratos at least has a purpose, he IS God of War from a story perspective....

It was said in fucking jest. Watch the video for context. Jesus.

You missed the fact that he actually states they only record during day time, and the notice warns about noise during night hours, which he said he does not record.

If you watch the video, it’s actually a joke...

Grow up

If you didn’t think this press conference was amazing then you should probably just give up on games.

Dude, seriously shut up. If you don’t understand the implications of a pedigree like kojima given an unlimited budget and full control by a massive studio backer then you don’t know jack about gaming. Every single game he’s made in the last 15 years started with a teaser trailer just like that and every game was

Salty ms fanboy alert!