
Thank you, Ms. Rowling! Also, please do not publish a manuscript thirty years from now, in which we find out Harry has grown old and intolerant of Muggles.

Chelsea Handler has always seemed like a horrible person to me, so I’d take her assessments on any person’s character with half a saltshaker.

I normally don’t really give two shits about what happens at Comic con. This...this makes me tangibly jealous. I’m actually pissed off that only a select number of fans got to witness this. F’k this. GRRRR!!!

Do we have the same Mom/Prayer Group?

Please, today’s senior is yesterday’s hippie. If anything is confusing them it’s the lifetime of recreational drug use catching up...or they're trolling you young 'uns.

It’s actually uncanny.

And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.

For real. I keep waiting for the line “white bib blouse, bell cuffs, cropped, contrast buttons: $98.”

how can this man not tell that i love the baby

kill me

She also organizes my colognes and combs.

idk man you just know when that juice is just a liiiittle too hot

Is it bad that I kind of just want him to have a bigger role on Broad City instead of his own show? I really like him on Broad City.

I think he’d be so much better in a The Soup-type environment (at least how they used to shoot it). Just a couple people on the crew laughing and letting those awkward moments sit and creep.

He said, Charles Manson is Definitely Guilty, But What If He Isn’t?

So feminism has a massive messaging problem, and the response to feminist is to attack people who don’t want to be labeled feminist..major double fail people. Calling someone stupid, telling them that they really are what they don’t want to identify with or other wise attacking is fitting in nicely with the “feminists

Everything is terrible now. Nothing gold can stay.

I agree with everything EXCEPT for the hoop earrings. Those are a must must must...And who in the world said hoop earrings are tacky? I don’t think Jenny from the block would take to kindly to that.

That cat is about a million times more chill than I would be if I were in that situation.