
Nope. This infographic shows that big companies have a hiring bias favouring women. It doesn’t give any evidence of ‘macho culture’.
Also, can we all take a moment to laugh at that term? Nerds who program in no way embody ‘macho’ anything. They are mostly either mathematical and logical to a fault, weekend LARPers,

Where, exactly, are we doing that? The existence of ‘blonde jokes’ should make it clear that we tend to deride pretty-but-stupid women. Exams make no reference to looks, and few jobs demand a cover photo for a CV. And companies actually don’t gain anything financially from their female employees being pretty, so why

Assuming everything presented in this infographic is true, we can draw some conclusions which don’t match up with the narrative here. For one thing, look at the proportion of women in American tech - 24%. Now look at the proportion of women employed in the big companies - across the board, it’s more than 24%. So firms