
That’s not even close to true. There are worse franchises in every league (Marlins and Padres come immediatley to mind), and even if there were not, the Bills have only had their current owner for 2 years. Cleveland just put a lawyer and a baseball executive in charge of football operations. Give me a break.

She probably wanted him to sign a prenup and he was too big of an egotistical douche to agree, just a theory

My favorite was “Donald Trump is going to get his ass kicked on Tuesday” by Drew Magary.

They’re not fucking idiots, it’s just easier for most to shoot free throws like regular shots than to learn and practice an entirely different motion just for free throws. Stop being so dramatic.

I have never read an article about Saabs that does not call them “quirky.” Is this the only adjective which can be used to describe them? Or do Saab enthusiasts just dislike using a thesaurus? Also, nice Buick Lucerne.

You sound like you’d be fun at a party

The planes wont fly til 2023. 3.2 billion only funds til 2020, hence the 4 billion price tag upon delivery in 2023, NOT including maintainence over the their 30 year lifespan as many have speculated. Trump is right to question the cost, it’s absurd. They’re not developing two whole new planes, just building updated

The current Regal is nice! This one looks nice too, but to act amazed seems so insincere. If you want to see a nice Buick you don’t need to look at a press release, just go to your local dealership. They’re already there.

“an adult group of incredibly successful businessmen”

Calm down

I like how you put “murderous killer” in quotes, to imply that he isn’t exactly that. But at least he didn’t say mean things! Liberal logic never fails to amuse.

Yes, keep calling Trump supporters idiots and using your buzzwords like “fascist,” “racist,” “white nationalist,” etc. It worked wonders for you this time, so why change a winning strategy?

Someone’s triggered

No one said anything about an end zone that is less than a foot deep. Learn to read.

Because now they are salty and butthurt like every other liberal

So what you’re saying is that Panoz is literally Hitler?

Lebron has 4 titles? LOL no he doesnt. Idiot.

You liberals are all so god damn butthurt. Talking about how it’s nice that someone sees from another’s perspective while you call the rust belt voters ignorant racists. The irony may be lost on you but it’s not on us.

You’re being a self righteous ass hat. Though you’ve probably been that way for a long time now so it’s unlikely you will change.

Liberal tears! so delicious