
The Last Guardian blew me away. Couldnt say Im more stoked for any other announcemnt that was made than this one.

@Savoryy: I would say gamewise, this IS the best thing to come out of E3

Sense...this makes none.

@Str8_Jihadin: "Knew him? Shit, ***** owes me 12 bucks!"

Good Luck Mike, that sounds quite scary.

@franckv: I hear you, Rudy was a creepy asshat.

Good God, that looks awesome!

Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream

That is a very respectable record of events to accurately predict. Looks like MS delivered on almost everything they promised and more.

My thoughts exactly.

I dont need a phone inside my portable gaming device. But I would love to see MS join the handheld market.


Pabst Blue Ribbon or Pabst Blue Robot ?

I would love to participate.


Kinda cool the Floyd Rose bridge knockoff they got going

@Spik3balloon: Pretty sure I saw that on youtube...seriously were you filming the event?

Damn broken floppy disc...alway get to a certain loading point & the game would fail.