The Last Guardian blew me away. Couldnt say Im more stoked for any other announcemnt that was made than this one.
The Last Guardian blew me away. Couldnt say Im more stoked for any other announcemnt that was made than this one.
@Savoryy: I would say gamewise, this IS the best thing to come out of E3
@( shake cows, win a ) Milkshake!: Hands (Clapped)
Sense...this makes none.
@Str8_Jihadin: "Knew him? Shit, ***** owes me 12 bucks!"
Good Luck Mike, that sounds quite scary.
@franckv: I hear you, Rudy was a creepy asshat.
Good God, that looks awesome!
Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
That is a very respectable record of events to accurately predict. Looks like MS delivered on almost everything they promised and more.
My thoughts exactly.
@magnakaiser: Agreed.
I dont need a phone inside my portable gaming device. But I would love to see MS join the handheld market.
Pabst Blue Ribbon or Pabst Blue Robot ?
I would love to participate.
Kinda cool the Floyd Rose bridge knockoff they got going
@Spik3balloon: Pretty sure I saw that on youtube...seriously were you filming the event?
Damn broken floppy disc...alway get to a certain loading point & the game would fail.