
@hot_heart: Im guessing they were testing level 3 and decided to kick up the graphics a little bit.

More & more Shadow Complex.

The hell? I bought one last week :(

@Skunky: Well as you know 65% of all statistics are made up.

Meh, it's still not worth driving out to West Jordan. :) seriously folks.

@CarlMarssilas: Seriously, that layout is terrible...and 20 years old

definitely a trap

Im seriously dissapointed with this track list.

"Yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me either."

Keep this game around $15 and I will definetly buy.

@bigman88zz: Because Legos are serious business.

I have so been meaning to play this game.

"Stationary Arcades May Be Dead" Blasphemy!

Yeah, he got the Yashichi!

Keep the Arcades alive!