I think she's getting ready for the Medieval Festival happening at the Cloisters this weekend.
I think she's getting ready for the Medieval Festival happening at the Cloisters this weekend.
Since Ren Faire season is winding down I say a very hearty YAY (well, "yea" is technically the correct term, but no one uses it anymore, so whatever). I want to go to the Medieval Festival in Fort Tryon Park this weekend so bad but I might end up working so :'(
Oh my god, he's so cute I can't stand it!
Wait, wait, wait, hold the phone, Wiz Khalifa is only 27? God, I hate being reminded of how many people are my age or younger that are astronomically more successful than me.
God, these women are my role models. Even though they're like basically my age. I just love them so.
Hmm, so maybe not. That would be a massive relief tbh.
Some other article I read about her said they used abdominal skin to form the boob, so I dunno you guys... could be legit. Either way I fear for humanity.
She sounds like my ex best friend and a total psycho. You're better off without her. It'll be rough for a while, but eventually you'll get over it and she'll leave you alone.
Literally me by the end of that. I don't know whether I want to own these things or dig out my Barbie collection but hnnngggggg. THE COLORS. THE KITSCH!
He's offputting and weird at first, but he grows on you over time. KINDA LIKE DARCY.
Darn whippersnappers, get off my e-lawn!
Are you serious? Slenderman is a 5 year old meme, people were dressing up like him for funzies way before the stabbings. Ugh, internet dummies...
My point exactly. There were some minor variations, but I really didn't see any HUGE butts.
That was cool and all, but I still would have preferred a bit more variety among butts. They basically had three kinds of butts and they were all still fairly conventionally appealing looking. Even the biggest butts on display weren't all that large imo. :\
I think maybe it's just the wind? Looks normal in the first picture.
I went to a ren faire at the beginning of the summer and I thought it was going to be so eyeroll inducing and I literally made my Facebook status "gonna take a shot every time a neckbeard calls me m'lady"... and then I got there and I was practically swooning every time a costumed dude call me m'lady or tipped his hat…
As a book reader I knew the flogging was gonna be rough and it was horrifying to read about, but just seeing that blood oozing onscreen was something else. Euuuurrrrgh, Black Jack you dirty bastard!
Nooooo, poor sad ferrets! :'(
Ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through that right now. I hope things turn around soon. Hang in there!