
There they go again... trying to think. Better drop the hammer on them!

I am so happy that my kids are out of the school system already... as the students of each of these “teachers” is royally fucked in life if this is how they handle disappointment.

Then please do so.

It’s almost as if having a vagina as the ONLY qualification for President doesn’t make sense to them? Weird, huh?



Simple solution. Fucking leave. No shackles keeping him there.

Keep the logo. It’s fucking Cleveland, for fucks sake. WHO CARES??

no hate coming your way. You’re irrelevant, like your political beliefs.

Hey, look at me, I’m the big girl writer....

Probably do more good to take said waste and drink it, as you’re an idiot who doesn’t need to spread the stupidity.

The absence of unions is the solution to so much.

Number one: “America” ended with the Civil War.

Quit using facts to get in the way of his bullshit argument!

Notice anything else happening around 1970? Nice try, though.

Yeah... be a shame if you actually had any testicles and told the chief to go back to his whiskey. Chickenshit moron.

You are a human tampon. Please hand in your citizenship and move to the nearest black hole. YOU are what’s wrong with this country... not a stupid fucking logo.