
@McBeese: How long have you had Netflix? Their streaming offering has increased exponentially over last year. 80% of the 200+ movies in my DVD queue have become available to stream instantly. That is unparalleled anywhere. Nobody else has even a comes close to them. Just because they don't have every movie you

This argument makes the logical fallacy that all sales of a given product should produce revenue for the original creator. That's not how anything works. Nothing. Anywhere. Why should video games be special?

40% of gamers are girls so stop making sexist games? I'm pretty sure the majority of that 40% isn't playing these games marketed to boys. COD isn't 40% women playing. It's probably more 5% women. So why would game makers change a game to cater to girls when 95% of their market isn't female? If you are trying to

@fuchikoma: I have weird issues with my Blackmagic Intensity Pro. Heck for about 8 months last year if I had it installed I would get no audio to play from the timeline, it would play everywhere else in the freaking program but not the one spot I really needed it. An update fixed it but the thing is still very

@WhoKnew?: Like Klausaidon mentioned you get +50 for domination kills.

My local pizza shop already does this with every order. Damn, now I want some Stacia's pizza.

@Kermi: From the first one, I think 6B is Fallout and 6C is Rainbow 6.

I thought that was a pretty calm response to a not very nice exchange. Heck he even offered the guy a way to get his money back.

Very well thought out and very funny. Gonna have to save this for later.

@Kotakun: Microsoft pays for the exclusivity rights.

Ok, so this group at Capcom didn't hear about the meeting before Splosion man came out. I'll buy that. However they blatantly ripped off the entire game after it came out so it's not any better.

The T and the H look like a table and a chair. Makes me think they are a furniture company.

Lucky. We got like 5 inches last night only to have a torrential down pour this morning remove all of it. Stupid rain, ruining a perfectly good snow day.

@Gamebatch: It's the holding up of the arm at the weird angle and turning the hand, no one does that in real life. It's the shifting stances randomly while tilting the shield, again no one would do that except in video games. It's the camera flying right by their faces and clothes, again nobody does this except in

@Che-poodle: You win. That is hands down the best reason.

Minecraft doesn't constantly assault your friends letting them know how awesome your virtual potatoes are.

@PsychoNun: That's why I said "generally don't equal jail time" because a DUI doesn't generally involve a fatality or injury. If it does then you are almost definitely looking at jail time. Lohan's DUIs didn't involve fatalities so no jail time.

@PsychoNun: Well, being a drunken slut isn't exactly illegal where as tax evasion is. DUI's don't generally equal jail time for anybody, famous slut or not.