
So apparently nobody involved has ever heard of Julia Stiles? I know she's not a hugely famous actress but come on, she was in the Bourne films. Without a name change I don't think I'd ever be able to get past that.

I love that they used all the same camera angles and moves you actually see in video games. It really showed how awkward video game camera moves are as well as how weird real people look making moves like you see in video games. They still did an amazing job though.

@ihaveascreenname: What you are asking for is called rotoscoping and it involves frame by frame animation over the top of the video. It also takes a very very very long time. If they started right after the game ended and had 5 people working on it they would probably finish just in time for this next weeks game.

@JulyFish: Oh it was. I still haven't stopped grinning.

All the gawker.tv clips never play on my machine. As I've said before I've got just about every video codec known to man on this box and none of the major browsers will play these videos. Please include links to the actual videos you guys are grabbing from so us netizens can actually watch the videos you are talking

@Lincolnsbeard33: Pop is the general term on the west coast, Soda is a general term used all over the states, soft drink is an accepted term everywhere in the states but is not widely used, some places in the south use Coke as the generic and when I lived in Germany Coke was the generic term as well. So I guess to

@Gnarkiller: Yeah, but you definitely aren't getting a gold plated delorean for $15K. But boy do I wish.

Somebody has been hitting the bong a little too hard. I wouldn't pay a dollar over $5,000 for this set.

@omfgh4x: I'm hoping for that too. NFC Championship game at home would be too too sweet.

Man, that was a great game to be at. So many cocky Saints fans and so many season ticket holders didn't buy playoff tickets. Sucks for both those groups. Awesome for those of us who showed up. Best game of the year and that run was probably the greatest run I've seen in 3 years of watching almost all the games.

I saw some Four Loko this last weekend in my local gas station. Almost bought it just for the nostalgia.

As silly as it sounds attaching the watch to the device that's killing it might actually save the watch. Very interesting concept, I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for how this gets implemented.

On a sidenote, the Gawker videos never work for me. All other web videos work but not the Gawker ones. This is also on a video editing machine that has more video codecs installed then you can shake a stick at. Before you blame the browser, I've got 4 major browsers installed and not a one of them will allow me to

Video work requires Terabytes of storage no matter how you slice it. I've got around 5TB in my home station.

@grumbel: Probably a developer then.

@recklessabandon1111: It's hard to say on that one. Sony claimed they shipped 4 million and are mostly out and Microsoft shipped 8 million and there is still some in stock. Hard to say. Although for more anecdotal evidence both the Kinect and the Move seem to be similarly well stocked around me.

Everyone has left the Fortress of Giz and Kat is exploring the sex toy sites. Gotta love CES.

@Dregas: So you are going to buy stock in an industry that just admitted that it will probably lose 99% of it's product in the next couple of years? That sounds like a losing strategy to me.

I've got around a 150 games across 15 systems as well as owning all 15 systems so I guess you are average to me. However, I personally don't know anybody else with as many games and systems as I do, though I know they are out there, so perhaps I'm on the high end. Though I definitely have nothing on the collection