
I think we need to stop calling board games, games. It hurts their appeal and people don't want to play games any more. So calling them games just means less people are enjoying them. If we called them interactive 2D media then everybody would all gather round for an intense round of Carcassonne and unicorns and

@-MasterDex-: I can't think of a single video game that wasn't a game so what specifically were you thinking of that you think was hindered by being called a game? A game is something with rules that you participate in. All videogames I can think of have these elements. Is football any less because it's a game?

@hot_heart: Nice, you made my afternoon with that pun.

@TheOtherHalf: Of course you forget to mention your exercise since anybody can get fat eating half of what you do and no exercise. Also, Good calories is a myth when it comes to weight loss. Perhaps you saw that dietician who lost weight eating nothing but twinkies.

I love how there were 100 million less movie tickets sold but they brought in 2.6 billion more revenue. Stupid raising ticket prices.

Scott Pilgrim was amazing. Best movie of the year in my opinion, I've been telling everyone to see it.

@LuckyNumber12: That looks like Pikachu is humping that dog. I imagine it looks a thousand times worse when the dog is running.

A shooter is a shooter because you shoot things. If you are not shooting, how can it be a shooter? What we really need is the FPS for non-shooters. I suggest Non-thirdperson-shootless-game or NSG.

@Stevenson: That is truly saddening. Have they had their eyes checked recently?

@Stevenson: I hold out hope that they've never actually compared the two side by side and have just deluded themselves into thinking that their old resolution looked just as good as the new one.

@TreFacTor: Maybe it's the remembrances from childhood. I remember standing in line for 2 and half hours for some rides 15 years ago.

@rugwars: Even their normal pools are practically water parks. In fact I don't think I've seen a German pool that didn't have at least 1 slide.

@Mr Quacker: The stat would be more impressive if they released the numbers for Potter book 7's sold. I happen to know it was astronomical and is still used as the yard stick for crazy demand/traffic but they still won't release actual info.

@morphoyle: Yup that's right. Not only did the iPad not kill it but the Kindle's newest version has sold as many units as the iPad in half the time.

@AqueousBeef: I think it's the fact that he sent it from her account to the first husband, not that he read it. I think that's why it's fraud because it's like he was pretending to be her. Not sure though.

Of course this seems to be forgetting that train rails are linear so everything is just one long line. Not very practical for a hotel or concert space or really anything that needs to be bigger then a train car to serve it's function. Perhaps just wheels that aren't attached to rails would be a better idea?

So we can read about how he is totally not a creep and that women every where just love him and his totally not domineering personality.

Wait. They are still wiring lights this way? I thought all lights are run now so that one light doesn't take them all out. Is this a flashback article?

Those photos remind me of Mt. Baker when it set the world record snow fall. It's really weird when your ski lift isn't up in the air and is actually in a rut in the snow with walls on either side.