
I love that everyone is just trying to get out of Jersey.

Looks like an Acupuncture doll. Why is it on the roof? This mystery MUST be solved.

Owen, the supplied pic of an actual Autoart car, though blurry, is the exact same as the GT5 picture. You can even see the screws and screw holes in the GT5 car. The logo is also on both in the same spot.

@ShiryuGN: Your picture looks the same as the one in the game. All text is the same, they just changed the color of some of the molded black plastic to a metal color. You can even see the same screws in the GT5 picture.

@RTYPEpilot: Which is really funny, since we could tell with a blurry picture but the reader who sent in the picture couldn't tell with the actual product in his hand.

@Morgan King: Well now that brings up an interesting question. Do these games appeal to completely different demographics?

@Justin Keeble: Ah right you are. I totally misremembered that as I wrote and now its too late for editing. My foolishness will live on.

@foofoodoodly: That was my first thought as well. I have yet to enjoy a game that used the Frostbite engine.

@Morgan King: Yeah, I don't think that's it. Most CoD players I know tried Battlefield, hated it and came back to CoD. So making them more aware of the game isn't going to change the fact that they don't like the game.

Well that's a sound strategy. If you want to beat the best you have to beat the best multiple times. Wait. That's not a strategy that's just rephrasing the goal.

@Møbius: I wouldn't say it's Ironic since him getting cancer wouldn't be the opposite of the expected outcome or reaction(In fact it's probably the hoped for outcome). It would be very Karmic though.

I think you missed something Luke.

Well there goes a comeback.

microwaving proteins with some water for steam is the best way to reheat leftovers. You can get juicy chicken, turkey, and steaks from leftovers by simply adding a little water to a side dish and place in the microwave with your protein. Also the best way to reheat rice but you have to be careful because it's very

@KiteRide: I love doing that run in front of everyone and take self shot pictures with the rest of the group in the background. You end up with the best pictures especially if you do it constantly while walking around.

Perhaps it is the fluid in our inner ears that tells us if we are oriented correctly being slightly off pressure. I know I naturally want to tilt my head to the right because of this.

@Southpaws_ITF: Really? I've driven several right up under flak jacket wearers camped in corners and blown their asses up. From like a foot away I get no kills but touching their feet I always get a kill.

Love how they have to be proficient in both Sociology of the family and Family Sociology.

@blyan-reloaded: You of course explained to him about these nifty marriage saving devices called DVRs right?