
Is number 12 the employees? There place isn't crowded and everyone is in camo(Except the one emo chick who looks out of place). Either Portsmouth has gotten really organized since I was last there or those are just the workers.

I love how the next line of that hugs comment involves, "...send them one full of kisses and puppy parts."

@Tyrunn: Yeah, not so much here. Terrorist(as an entity) specifically yes, but terrorize/terrorizer/terroristic was in a bunch of our laws before 9/11 made Terrorist a hot button word. I could see how you could interpret it the way you did though.

God I hated those old maps, where you miss one stupid key and you are spending 4 hours searching every inch of the freaking level just to move onto the next level where you will miss a key and spend 4 hours....

@Big_Riff: I think you are confusing a linear storyline with linear gameplay. Older FF games gave you a freedom in the order gameplay was approached but the story has always been linear. The most recent FF was linear in both story and gameplay everyone had the exact same experience playing it because there was

@Tyrunn: Anti-Terror laws? what are you talking about. "third-degree terroristic threats" is not an Anti-Terror Law. It's a normal old don't harass your neighbors with a gun law.

@hurricanedj: What you could do is do both and then when the Amazon one comes in in the afternoon you return it to the Gamestop or whatever that you bought the Midnight release one at. That way you get the best of both worlds and it only takes having $60 "on hold" until your refund comes through.

@Arctic16: The only way to wait. Period. Full Stop.

@Whereas: But weren't there a load of stores that broke street date last year so thousands had the game a week or so before everyone else?

@A GIANT SMURF: But when they deliver it later then their usual 3 PM time frame the wait is hell. It just happened to me with Fable 3.

"Will you be playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Monday night at midnight or Tuesday morning?"

@brockishard: My only problem with Amazon's release date delivery is it occasionally doesn't come until 7 at night. For AAA titles that I want to play as soon as I get off work that wait feels like forever.

@daputti: Love Noctua fans. I can't hear my PC running at all with

@FixMaster2K: The desert could be simply because they spray water to keep the dust down while shooting. Just a theory.

@LeitoFTW: Perhaps it is not being shown on TV which I believe is the reason they are required to have those on the videos.

@random_droid: Wow, someone has been sipping the hateraid.

@ChestRockwell18: Sure once you got a job, but before that.....alright I'll give you the 15-19 year old part.

@ChestRockwell18: Or your from the east coast where weed is $50 an ounce for cheap ass shit and the only way to get high is to smoke a blunts worth by yourself.

@Teran: Here it is:

God I love that crazy swedish bastard. I find myself randomly saying to tha face to the face way too often.