
number 1 looks like the monorail in Fable 3. Wonder if that's where they took their inspiration from.

@jedifarfy: Normally we do the opposite. Just look at our extensive Monorail system.

Counter Strike & Team Fortress Classic

@Shnyzx: That was it. Knew it was a reputable source on Fetishes.

@ITIL_Prince: I seem to recall reading about a fetish where the fetishists like people walking in on them on the toilet. Maybe you found one.

@Zom-B: I counted at least 8 videos that were proven fake previously and a few others that I think might be fake.

There are some amazing clips in there but they should have left out the faked ones. It would have made the whole video a lot better since now most of the clips are called into doubt because of the fakes sprinkled throughout.

@emag: There were choices in what your character learned and in what order. That has all but been removed. Story wise the only choices were if you did the half dozen side quests or not.

With backwards compatibility it's not really an issue. Sony of course removed backwards compatibility so that they could re-release all the old games and make more money off them. I kind of prefer Microsofts way but to each their own.

@NewSc2: No I simply expect the programs that I already had to continue to work correctly on the OS that I already had. Which was not the case.

@Mactopia: Actually I'd say it's more like asking for a new Honda and being given a used Toyota. They are still both pretty good and do similar things they are just different and one costs way more.

@seriously, saycarramrod: The article says it's Chihuly so you are correct. He's from the Seattle area as well so it makes sense.

@Dylan Wolter: No one ever said Juan and Miguel are hispanic; Or that Rajish and Pavarti are Indian; Or that Miyuki and Ryo are Japanese; Not to be rude just saying that names can say a lot more than you seem to think.

@rmgoat: Perhaps you missed the title:"5 times we almost nuked ourselves by accident". And perhaps this, "There are actually dozens of instances like these, but here are five major ones that happened in the U.S....."

@Bluevane: That would be awesome but apperently Ubisoft has another game coming out that is called "I Am Alive" and is about surviving a catastrophe which would make morse code kinda make sense. So maybe a little cross promotion.

@B1G TOBACC0: I thought all that of the first one but I thoroughly enjoyed the second. AC2 is the first game I liked enough to actually get the 1000 gamer points for it.

Why does one musical group have 3 teams? and why does each team need their own captain? And why does this even matter to their fans who the captain is? So confused.

@krisve: Apple only supports back about 2 versions of their OS. As they stop supporting the OS, programs have stopped working on me because they require an upgrade that requires a newer supported OS. It's happened to me every time they've upgraded over the last 10 years.

@NewSc2: I'm using 10.4. Over the last ten years apple has only supported back 2 versions, thus I have to upgrade to keep my programs working. It's happened over and over again over the last 10 and I can't go to Snow Leopard(requires Intel chip) so the $29 doesn't quite apply.

@Brandon McGrody: They usually just support back 2 versions so after this comes out those 10.4 people will have to upgrade. And it has happened repeatedly to me over the past 10 years so I'm not expecting apple to change now.