
Great, now I have to spend another $99 to make sure my browsers and programs continue to work for another year.

So really it's the device that splits the signal to the four projectors that is doing the heavy lifting, not the phone.

@DangerousLiberal: Ah, right you are. Or perhaps "Gargling with Salt Water Actually Helps fight a Cold or Cough"

@Ian Logsdon: Yeah I've got a copy of the table of contents at home and it's pretty massive, though if I had it here I could tell you more definitively about the vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free sections or lack there-of. But food is pretty massive. He said they barely touched on Asian cuisine and don't get into

@Ian Logsdon: I'm sure they'll get a nod but he didn't mention any of those when he was at my work promoting this a month or so ago so I wouldn't expect too much on them.

I got all excited when I saw the Wienerschnitzel one. Until I realized it was the fast food place. Man do I ever want a Jagerschnitzel right now.

I think "replayability" as a word made more sense when games were all linear and multiplayer was only co-op. With linear games with no online the desire to replay the game had to be immense to want to go back through basically the same thing.

@Fernando Jorge: "If we were to take that hour, or hour and a half, and take it out of the game..."

@Tatsuya: Why do you ask? It's not on the list.

@Gargus: The counterpoint to your argument is every Uwe Boll film ever made. They lack any sort of talent and still can't ride the coat tails of their games fame. RE manages to do it so there must be some talent somewhere, however small, in the RE series. I'm gonna go with special effects.

@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: Well if you believe this study the only sports team any white people like is the Boston Red Sox. Or alternately that the Boston Red Sox are the most popular sports team bar-none.

How are the only sports team to make any list the Red Sox? Is most of OkCupids user base around Boston cuz I've only met 1 or 2 Red Sox fans in my entire life.

@Deltido: Could be, I definitely have diffi........ooh shiny

God that game was boring. Of course they killed any DLC. Practically all the game required for completion was holding forward and occasional stretches of tapping A. No side quests(killing monsters isn't a side quest), and only the barest illusion that you actually control how things advance. The crystal system is

@Deltido: I can't see it not switch for more than a second. To me it looks like it is constantly changing direction.

@buckleyneko: I did focus and it still flips on me after a second or two.

@truthtellah: I have heard the opposite. That having the lens angled allows the hand to be at a more natural angle then the straight on cameras. Which leads to less stress on the wrist from shooting.