
“approachable Asian in films expert” doesn’t mean “hey, unknown person, send me an email with question you could easily google”

Study it by yourself. I’m not your brown race issues teacher.

Fine if you love it, other people, like margaret cho, are tired of it.

Or you could, idk, learn it by yourself?

That is exacly the problem, at least for me. It’s not our job to educate you, do your homework and if you want to discuss a topic we can talk, but don’t expect me to be your race issues teacher.

Maybe she could google it? It’s not that hard ffs. If she is not looking for the info herself she is simply not interested enough in the subject.

‘I’m producing a korean/english film’ is the equivalent of ‘I have a black friend!!!! 11!’

So tilda was a lazy asshole who decided to ask a person she didn’t know to explain it to her? Stop being lazy, it’s you job to get educated about these issues, you can’t just turn to a poc and expect them to fill you head full of air with some real information.